Ray Reynolds, thats all you need to know...

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**With Lucy**

Lucy woke up tied to chair and very dissociated, her head was spinning and her vision was blurry. After a minute or so her vision started to clear up and her head stopped spinning and that's when a man walked in.
R(Ray):"Oh, look who's awake." Ray said in a mysterious tone.
L:"Who are you and what have you done to me?"
R:"Im Ray Reynolds, that's all you need to know sweetheart."
L:"don't call me that!"Lucy said attempting to scream.
R:"haha right so anyway, all I need to know is what Tim knows and where he is and then maybe I will let you go."
L:"I will never talk so you can just forget it."
R:"Playing this the hard way huh, ok two can play at that game." He said smugly.

Ray left the room and came back in with a tray full of tools and knives. Lucy started panicking but tried to calm down knowing that if she showed fear it would only make it worse.
R:"This is what happens when you don't answer my questions!"Ray said as he was picking up the knife from the tray.
Ray took the knife and started to slit her arms and face with it.
Ray:"You ready to talk now?" Ray said yelling.
Lucy didn't answer and instead just kept quiet as the pain was slowly rising. Ray was getting even more angry and grabbed the taser off the tray and kept tasing Lucy until she was on the verge of passing out.
L:"P-Please s-s-stop." Lucy said her voice weak and fading away.
R:" Why would I stop? You haven't told me anything!"
L:"I-I don't know what he knows or where he is!" Lucy lied about not knowing where he was, she knew he was probably at the station, but she didn't lie about not knowing what he knows.
R:"LIAR!"Lucy jumped as he screamed.
L"I-I'm not l-lying, I swear."
R:"Fine, you won't give this I want, you can give me something else I want."
L:"W-what would that be?"
R:"You'll see..."
Ray untied Lucy and picked her up and threw her on a bed that was in the room and tied her hands and feet to the bed frame.

Ray got on top of Lucy and started to pull her pants down and take her her shirt off then retied her hands. Lucy began to cry and scream until Ray began to force her to make out with him until he lined up with her and started slamming his ykw into her. He continued to rape her for hours and Lucy started to lose hope that they were going to save her.

**Back at the station**

Tim was over with Angela and Nyla trying to locate Lucy.
T:"Did you look for abandoned buildings in the area?"
A:"Yeah but nothing so far."
N:"What about that abandoned building on Fairest road?"
A:"huh, I guess our scanners must have skipped over that."
T:"W-We have to find her, this is all my fault. If I had just told her about what was going on this wouldn't have happened!"
A"Tim, this is not your fault okay, it's his fault. We will find her, I promise. Take a breath and relax a little."
T:" How am I supposed to relax when my girlfriend was abducted!"
Tim took a few deep breaths and the three went back to work on finding Lucy.
A:"That's it there she is!"
T:"You found her location!"
A:"Yeah she's there in that abandoned warehouse, a couple people heard screaming and weird noises from there."
N:"Okay, let's go inform grey!"

The three informed grey and grey got a team together to go rescue Lucy. They all got there including, Tim, Nyla, Angela, Nolan, Selina, Aaron, and Grey.

**With Lucy**

After Ray decided he had enough he got off of her but left her naked so he could cut and hit and abuse her whole body instead of just what her clothes weren't covering.
R:"Time for a little more fun!" Ray said grabbing the knife from the stand again.
R:"And this time I intend on finishing you."
L:"They will find me!"
R:"Not a chance, I covered all my tracks!"
Ray took the knife can started with a deep slow cut into Lucy's stomach then moved to her thighs and upper legs. Eventually he moved to her neck and made a cut just deep enough to cause her extreme pain and make her pass out but not deep enough to kill her immediately.
L:"W-Why a-are you d-doing this?" Lucy said very weak and having trouble breathing.
R:"That's @ I  not important."
Ray put the knife down and grabbed the taser and started to tase Lucy over and over again.

**With the team outside**

The team starts to go in and search the building, but they couldn't find anything or any clues that they are there. Until Tim heard a whimper coming from downstairs in the basement.
T:"Wait, everyone stop moving for a second."
G:"What, what is it?"
T:"I hear something coming from downstairs in the basement, I'm going in."
G:"We'll follow behind."
Tim and the rest of the team went down to the basement to see Lucy's lifeless body lying on the bed naked surrounded in blood and Ray with a knife and taser in his hands.
T:"Lucy!" Tim yelled looking at Lucy before Ray started to come towards him.

Ray started to beat up Tim and the rest of the crew stepped in and after a lot of fighting they got him in cuffs. Tim ran over to Lucy and untied her from the bed and covered her up before checking for her pulse. Tim felt a pulse but it was very weak and she was just barely breathing.
T:"Come on Luce, come on I'm here, come on wake up." Tim said starting to cry.
T:" Come on Luce, please wake up, you can do it just open your eyes."
Lucy's eyes slowly opened and looked around the room before filling with tears. Tim wrapped his arms around her and Lucy broke down in his arms.
T:"Your okay, I'm here, it's over" Tim said finally feeling like he could breathe again.
L:"I-I'm sorry, I tried to get him off of me b-but I c-couldn't."
T:"Oh Lucy, it's not your fault okay? None of if it's your fault."
Everyone left the room to give them the space they needed before the ambulance arrived.
L:"I-It h-hurts." Lucy said still having trouble breathing because of the cut on her neck.
T:"I know baby, I know it does, just try not to talk okay? You need to breathe."
L:"I-I can't"
T:"Yes, you can come here." Tim said before picking her up with one hand under her knees and the other under her back.
Lucy nestled her head into his chest still crying and hyperventilating.
T:"Can someone please go to my shop and get a hoodie for Lucy please?" Tim said over his radio.
A:"Sure thing." Angela said heading to his shop.
Angela brought the hoodie to Tim and he put Lucy in it sense her other clothes were taken off when Ray raped her and they were all bloody.
T:"Baby, do you want to put this on?"
Lucy just nodded her head and Tim put it on her and picked her back up.
T:"You ready? We have to go out to the ambulance now."
Tim carried her out and layed her down on the gurney and rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital.

What if Tim and Lucy had a big argument that night(6x5).Where stories live. Discover now