Whats wrong?

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Tim woke up to Lucy shaking and crying and looked over at her face and she was still sleeping. Tim could hear her muttering, please don't hurt him and no no no no no. Tim quickly realized that she was having a really bad nightmare and that it was most likely connected to all the anxiety she's having about the situation. Tim rolled her over to face him and tried to wake her up because she had started hyperventilating as she was scared. Eventually she woke up to Tim's worried expression and started to cry. Tim could tell what Lucy meant by, "Don't hurt him", and what had happened based on "no no no no no".
Tim:"Luce it's okay I'm here, it's okay Luce." Tim said in a worried but soft tone.
Lucy didn't say anything but inched closer to him and rested her head on his chest again, this just made her feel safe, his sent, his heartbeat, and his arms around her keeping her close so she can just relax.
Lucy:"I-I love you T-Tim."
Tim:"I love you too, I'm here for you now okay, no more being left in the dark."
Lucy eventually fell asleep in his arms and Tim fell asleep shortly after with the comfort that she was asleep and comfortable on him.

Tim got up a little earlier than Lucy and called grey and asked for a personal day for the 2 of them and explained what happened without somehow letting him know about what he had been up to. Grey granted the personal day for them and Tim got  ready and started to make breakfast. He made Lucy her favorite pancakes and was going to make some for Tamara but saw the note on the fridge and just made enough for the 2 of them.

*with Lucy in the bedroom*

Lucy woke up to the smell of pancakes and looked at the time and quickly got up and went out of the room.
Lucy:"what are you doing, we are going to be late for work."Lucy said in a matter of urgency.
Tim:"It's okay Luce, I called in a personal day for the 2 of us."
After Tim said that Lucy smiled and sat down on the bar stool at the counter. Lucy was still smiling until she got a text from her mom and suddenly the smiling stopped. The text read"No wonder why Chris didn't want you, you are so fat and need to lose so much weight, you are a disgrace to the family name."

Tim could notice her expression change after looking at her phone. Tim plated and sat down their food, Tim sat down next to her by the counter. Lucy kept her head down as her eyes glazed over and was just playing with food and putting it on her fork in hopes that it would seem like she was eating it.
Tim:"Luce, are you okay, what's wrong?"
Lucy didn't answer and just opened the messages for him to see, left her phone on the counter and then ran to the bedroom laying on her stomach face first with her head buried in the pillows crying.

*with Tim*

Tim looked at what she had pulled up on her phone screen in confusion until he read the message her mom had sent her. Tim felt so bad for Lucy, he knew that her mom was abusive in her childhood and that she didn't approve of her job, but not that she was still verbally abusing her. Tim went into the bedroom and saw Lucy with her head in the pillows crying. Tim sat on the bed next to her.
Tim:"Luce look at me baby."
Lucy still didn't look at him and was still crying with her head in the pillows. Tim rolled her over so she would look at him.
Tim:"None of those things are true okay, you are the prettiest person I have ever met and you are not a disgrace. If she can't see that then she's just missing out okay? Tim said in attempt to cheer her up a little. Lucy scooted next to him and Tim held her close. Lucy put her head on his chest once more and stayed like that for a while, but Tim got worried that she did not eat her breakfast but he didn't want to push her to hard as she seemed a little vulnerable right now so he just let her lay on him for a little bit longer. Tim thought she was asleep so he lifted her off him and went back into the kitchen to clean up the dishes.
Lucy:"where are you going?" Lucy asked sleepily wanting him to stay with her.
Tim:"I'm to go clean up the dishes from breakfast, do you want to eat yours?
Lucy shook her head no and put her arms up toward Tim trying to get him to pick her up. Tim got the memo and picked her up and layed her down on the couch and covered her up in the blanket, and started to pick up the kitchen. He finished picking up the kitchen and sat down next to Lucy and they watched top chef.

It became around 11 am and they were getting hungry so Tim went out to get Lucy's favorite, a veggie burger with fries extra pickles from her favorite restaurant and Lucy decided to clean the house a little bit, Lucy finished cleaning up the house and sat back down on the couch and watched a movie until there was a knock on the door, it was...

What if Tim and Lucy had a big argument that night(6x5).Where stories live. Discover now