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It's the Summer of 2023. It's 8:00 P.M. on the dot. You are getting ready for prom, and you hop into your prom date's car to head to the school. Everything is going just fine, just how most people remember their senior prom. It was a very memorable day for you, and it felt like this event would be burned in the back of your head for your entire days you spend on this earth.

It was all going great, until something out of the blue happened. The popular girl starts throwing her fists at a girl that you yourself rarely knew. You went up to you friend to see why they were fighting. She says that the girl she was punching had been talking to her lover, and got irritated fast. You stood crushed between the crowd, your hands on the back of your head, not knowing what to expect next. You dash to the bathroom to catch a break from the people chanting "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" over and over again. Noise like that overwhelmed you. When you walked back, everyone was screaming and drenched in blood. You run to see what's happening, and see severed body parts of the popular girl, rolling around like a dropped quarter. Now you start running amok, all confused and bloody. The body was spraying blood out of it's head, almost resembling a real life sprinkler...

Possession (2024) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now