Ch - 4 Agreed

213 22 1

The love  bloomed from hate.

In Room~~

( Taehyung ):-  let's go down stairs sweetie  your hyung agreed .

( Jimin ):-W-What....he can't no way.
he isn't that stupid to marry  Jeon . Hell no........ 

( Taehyung ):- I don't believe it either...... he agreed quite earlier than I thought.

( Taehyung said and walked towards the door and opened it and was about to step out but stopped after hearing Jimin . )

( Jimin ):- Kim Taehyung

(  Jimin got on his knees and kneeled in front of Taehyung slowly and joined hid hands,  the tears just falled along with his pride.  )

(  Jimin ):- I-I  beg you please spare his life he........he  doesn't deserve this ,  please leave him...... he deserves far better than this ...... i beg you
Please spare him .....

( Taehyung ):- I don't know what is you siblings problem .
Both of you are begging us to let  eachother go.  But,  the thing is that I can't do anything and he deserves far worse than this .  So,  no use of begging.

( Yoongi ):- I didn't beg anyone....... and never will.......... I apologized for the things I haven't even done.....

( Just in time Yoongi walked in .....)

( Jimin ):- I- I......wanted to protect you just this time but, just like always you came to rescue me hyung .

( Yoongi ):- Jimin ,........  never beg anyone unless it's god and not the least him ...............
And about protecting you this is what an elder brother should do, Jimin .

( Jimin ):- So,  you married that bastard .

( Taehyung ):- Mind your words before speaking.

( Yoongi ):-( Yoongi turned towards Taehyung and spoke slowly barely audible  )
I want a moment alone will you....

(Taehyung ):-..........sure,  and don't worry my bro will definitely make you beg for mercy.
( Taehyung smirked at him and stepped out of the room.........  )

( Yoongi ):-.............Me marrying him has nothing to do with you .

( Jimin ):- You could have asked Sehun hyung for help I was sure he would have helped us...........

( Yoongi ):- If  I had told him he,  would have been worrying about us.........  I am damn sure kai could have sensed that and we would long have been found and dragged back to grandma .

( Jimin ):- It was better to be at kai and Yuhan's mercy than this bastards.......

( Yoongi ):-You know clearly i would rather die than begging there........  Jimin never mention kai and Yuhan in front of me........

( jimin ):- What now seeking help it doesn't matter cause you already married him.........

( Yoongi ):- Don't worry everything will be fine.....

( jimin ):- how can I not worry ... You will be caged there.

( Yoongi ):- No,  but kind of.

( jimin ):- hyung tell me the truth what have you done , that he had made our life not less than hell.

( Yoongi ):- If I had known or if I had really done something wrong wouldn't I already found a solution. There was no need to suffer.

( Jimin ):- ..........  Hyung I am a burde....

( Yoongi ):- Don't you dare jimin .....
you never were and you never will.
You're my only family and my first priority so, never think of yourself as burden.

Love Bloomed From HateWhere stories live. Discover now