Rain - Ron Weasley x Reader

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Authors note! This going to be a very short chapter I just had an idea that I wanted to do in another chapter and then didn't have time. Enjoy!

    You were a very popular girl at Hogwarts. You were in 6th year with the golden trio. Many kids at the school had a crush on you, but you didn't actually notice. People had tried to ask you out loads of times. You always denied because there was one person who you wanted to ask you specifically. That person was Ronald Weasley. 

    One night you were sitting by the black lake, reading. It was empty because it was late at night, and you weren't even supposed to be there but you needed to be alone in the quiet. Your roommate snores a lot. 

    You turned a page of the book and felt a rain droplet on your shoulder. Then another, and another. It then started to rain and you decided to stay out there because it was peaceful. Then it started to rain hard. 

"Oh, Merlin!" You exclaimed.

You closed your book and shoved it in your bag. When you stood up you felt someone was watching you. You looked around trying to find them when you saw Ron running towards you from the castle. 

"Ron?" You asked.

"Y/n!" He shouted from far away. He was holding a red umbrella.

Ron finally made it up to you and put the umbrella over your head. 

"You okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm good." You replied smiling up at him. 

"Good." He said just before a gust of wind blew the umbrella away.

"Bloody hell!" He yelled before looking back at you and laughing. You started to laugh too as his laughter was highly contagious. 

    Once the laughter faded away you looked at Ron and hugged him. After a while you pulled out of the hug, your hands interlocking behind his neck. You looked at him and he looked at you. Ron leaned in and kissed you. 

    Ron put his hands on your waist as he kissed you. It was something he'd been wanting to do for a long time. You felt the rain pour down on you two and it made the moment so magical. You finally pulled away, smiling at him. 

    Ron put his arm around you and you ran back to the castle, hoping not to get caught. 

I hope you enjoyed the story it's kinda bad I just had a random idea I wanted to use nefore i forgot. Word count: 417! Sorry the story was short lol! If you want me to write a story about any other characters please ask!

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