Do you need some help? - Hermione x reader

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Author's note: Hey guys! I'm literally so busy and I really want to publish something for you so I'm going to make this super quick one! I'm making this one just a friend one because I'm not in the mood rn lol. I might make a pt 2 and make it friends to lovers but I dunno yet! Anyways, enjoy!

House: Any

"I'm never going to get this done!" Y/n sighed, slamming her textbooks on the floor and taking a seat next to Hermione on one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room.

"What?" Hermione asked, taking her eyes off her book.

"This stupid paper for DADA, I can't stand Moody!" Y/n yelled. "And we have a test coming up soon too,"

"Calm down, Y/n. What's it about?"

"The unforgivable curses,"

"Oh. How long should it be?"

"Too long!" Y/n shouted as she picked up her bag and took a roll of parchment out.

"Do you need some help?" Hermione asked.


     Hermione and Y/n ended up spending the next few nights writing the paper and studying for her test. Hermione and Y/n got quite close after those few nights. Throughout their time together, they'd tell each other stories about their lives and other interesting things.

"You really did that, Hermione?" Y/n asked.

"Mhm. Slapped him right across the face."

Y/n burst out laughing, thinking of how Hermione  would slap Malfoy!

"Look Y/n, all you need is your closing statement and you're done!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"Yeah!" Y/n said happily, as she scribbled out her last few sentences on the parchment.

"Done!" She joyfully shouted.

"Perfect, Y/n! You'll surely get a good mark!" 

"All thanks to you, Hermione," Y/n smiled.

The two of them spent that night in the common room talking up until midnight. Then, the next morning Y/n handed in her work.

"Hermione! Hermione!" Y/n exclaimed as she ran into the Great Hall at dinner. When Y/n spotted Hermione, she sprinted over to the Gryffindor table.

"Check it out!" Y/n said.

"You got full marks, Y/n! Great job!" She said, pulling Y/n into a hug.

"Thank you so much, Mione. I couldn't have done it without you!" Y/n smiled. "I've never gotten a mark this good!"

"Anytime, Y/n! No need to thank me!"

Word count: 355! Sorry for the short story, I literally wrote this in like 20 minutes I just wanted to get something published since I've been so busy! I have like 4 stories in the process, so hopefully I'll get them out soon!

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