Chapter 11: A Good For Nothing Layabout

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Chapter 11: A Good For Nothing Layabout

The Master Bedroom, The Talton Residence, West Pasture, Keedon, Georgia (1992)...

      Bright golden rays from an unrelenting sun had not even been staved off by the thick beige drapes that lined the bedroom windows as a formerly slumbering J.W. Talton found himself awakening in bed alone. It had not been the first time since he returned that he'd slept in later than his usual time but he'd been adjusting to being back home and the fact that he'd been able to rest without the constant distress of the ocean from the oil rig and his duties on board. He had not been surprised when the call of nature got the better of him the formerly slumbering man pulled back the covers on his bed and noted that he'd been naked from the previous attempts he and his wife had with trying for a new baby so to speak and smirked as he fished about the floor for his boxer shorts before stepping into them and venturing outside of his bedroom door.

As J.W. moved along the rather chilly hallway, he noted that Whitmore had been long gone to school and that Wilma Jean had been downstairs in the kitchen. She'd been enjoying a cup of hot tea, instead of her usual coffee in the morning due to their attempt at having another child. J.W. still couldn't believe she'd come around given the grief she'd given him in the past for even suggesting she could following their little daughter's stillbirth. It still had been a sore point for everyone in the Talton household to think of her, baby Carolanne Talton. 

She'd come out looking a good deal like her mother and J.W. wondered mostly to himself if she'd even had Wilma Jean's blue eyes. Whitmore had been more his boy, through and through aside from his mother's few features and complexion. It was intriguing to think that another child would come from a combination of the two of them. 

J.W. made his trek to the bathroom with a smile on his face as he thought of what he and Wilma Jean could get up to with Whitmore off at school. He finished up and washed his hands before heading downstairs where she'd been still enjoying her cup of tea looking out over the pasture from the front porch amid the warm sun and bright clear skies. 


The Front Porch, The Talton Residence, West Pasture, Keedon, Georgia (1992)...

    Wilma Jean Talton continued to sip her cup of tea in the wake of her adventure into the waiting warm sun. She'd been pleasantly surprised when her husband had finally decided to rejoin the rest of the world after his long slumber. She smiled as she felt the familiar sensation of his embrace as his arms wrapped around her waist and he held her close as she continued to stare out into the wide pasture. The echoes of the past had not been much of a burden to her as she stood leaning against the handsome devil who'd stolen her heart before she even knew what it had meant to love and be loved by anyone. He'd always been something of a local celebrity, his family notorious given his and his father's hot tempers when it came to anyone putting them to the test. Many a time she'd been privy to the Talton men taking a swing at someone who caught their ire. For the most part, she'd been fortunate that her only son Whitmore had taken more after her when it came to his sensibilities. 

They had quite the talk while J.W. slept which included the confession that he'd not been as innocent a boy as she recalled him being during the incident in the barn. Whitmore had not wished to cause friction between his parents and confessed of his own accord, what he had not known was that Wilma Jean had known all too well what occurred, it wasn't so unlike what happened with her and J.W. with the fast-tailed girl Becca Greenlee being the one to come after her son. 

She rolled her eyes at the thought of the little brat having her rapidly developed body in the faces of her son and husband who had stumbled upon the scene while looking for Whitmore. She subjected her son to a good deal of house chores in exchange for the event but she'd still been sore about how easily some young floozy could find herself in J.W.'s orbit. Something about it being a possibility accidentally or otherwise had been what bothered her in the long run and led to her decision to forgo the birth control pills that afternoon. J.W. had been long gone on that oil rig of his following the incident and had been none the wiser that she'd known the truth all along. 

"Good afternoon Mrs. Talton," said J.W. lightly planting kisses along the exposed portions of Wilma Jean's shoulders as he held her close to him. 

"Good afternoon to you too Mr. Talton, or should I say "good for nothing layabout?" asked Wilma Jean with a smirk as she turned to meet him face to face. 

J.W. looked slightly offended by her remark, which had been the intent as she laughed in his face and pulled him into a direct kiss. 

"So," said Wilma Jean once more sipping her tea as she lured J.W. into a false sense of security, "When were you gonna tell me that your son already had sex?"

J.W.'s dark eyes widened as he attempted to come up with a way to cover for Whitmore but found it to have been no avail. 

"Uh..." had been all he could manage as he backed away from his wife expecting her to have a full-on meltdown followed by her pulling the shotgun out of its case. 

Wilma Jean noted the terror that filed across his handsome face and smirked before finishing off her tea. 

"You and your son, forever partners in crime," she said shaking her head. 

J.W. stood in confusion before realizing that she'd known exactly what happened. 

"You know don't you?" he asked with an arched brow. 

Wilma Jean rolled her eyes. 

"While I would have appreciated knowing that my baby was already having sex, I am rather glad you didn't tell least not then...I don't know what I would have done to that girl and seeing her naked little ass anywhere near you had already made me dangerous," she admitted. 

"You'd have killed her," J.W. admitted. 

"It's possible," she admitted before meeting J.W.'s eyes once more. "Why don't you keep that in mind the next time some young floozy decided to expose her bare ass to you."

J.W. held up his hands as if he was being interrogated. 

"Oh come on now Wilma Jean, you know you're the only woman for me," he replied visibly offended once more. 

His wife seemed satisfied with his having taken offense and smirked before heading into the house with the empty tea cup. J.W. trailed behind her as the screen door slammed behind them as they stepped inside the living room. 

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