Cookie Cats!

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"Nooooo!" Steven yelled from inside the Big Donut.

"This can't be happening!" He muttered, placing his hands on the counter that the Cookie Cat freezer sat on.

"This has to be a dream!" He brought his hands to his temples, whipping around quickly.

"Lars! Lars!" He ran over to the ginger male, wrapping his hands around his torso in a hug.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming! I wanted Onyx to finally experience the wonderfulness of a Cookie Cat!!" He wailed, slumping to the floor as Lars walked away.

"Get off me man, I'm stocking here." Lars groaned, walking away with a box as Steven lay face down on the tile floor.

"I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped making them." Sadie tried to comfort him, leaning over the checkout counter.

"Stopped making them?!" He turned to face the blond.

"Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats?!"

"They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made!" He yelled in dismay.

"Don't they have laws for this?!" Lars knelt down by a counter, reaching a hand onto the box he was carrying and putting the contents away.

"Tough bits man. Nobody buys them anymore.."

"I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers." He said, lifting a bag out of the box.

"Not Lion Lickers! Nobody likes them..." Steven grumbled, Onyx just walked over to the freezer that held them.

"They don't even look like lions!" He complained, flinging his arms up.

"I think they do.." Onyx bent over, looking at the popsicles behind the glass before he grabbed a few.

"Kids these days I'll tell you what!" Steven put his hands on his hips.

"Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with your magic belly button" Lars teased, causing Onyx to turn his head to him and growl.

"That is not how he works, Lars.." Onyx snarled, narrowing his eyes at him as he walked to the counter to pay for his popsicles. Steven lifted his shirt up and looked at his naval, squeezing his abdomen.

"Oh sweet Cookie Cats... With your crunchy cookie outside, and your icy creamy insides." Steven's brows furrowed sadly as he drew a cookie cat on the outside of the freezer. Onyx shoves two Lion Lickers in his mouth, his tail starting to wag happily as he quickly ate them.

"You're too good for this world..." Onyx looked at him funny as he kissed the freezer.

"Uh Steven?" Sadie started, looking at Steven who was hugging the freezer as Onyx ate more, not bothering to take the wrappers off.

"Do you... want to take the freezer with you?" She asked as Onyx pushed the wooden sticks into his gem. Steven just nodded.

"Are you really gonna let 'em have that?" Onyx asked, cocking his head in Sadie's direction.

"I mean, we were just gonna throw it out so I thought, why not give it to Steven?" Sadie replied, shrugging.

The boy hummed happily as he and Onyx walked back to the temple, Onyx carrying the freezer under an arm.

"Hey, guys! You won't believe this!" Steven yelped out in surprise as a gem monster jumped on him. Onyx growled and grabbed it, slamming the centipede-like body against the floor until it poofed. He set the freezer down on a bench by the door, running off to go help.

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