Man With the Plans.

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The group walked through and up the spire, Onyx chuffing in annoyance as Pearl commented on everything she saw wrong with the spire.

"Oh, no, no, no. This is even worse than the outside!" Pearl frowned. Onyx rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he followed behind Steven.

"Ugh! That's- ohh!! Oh, this didn't use to be so- Oh, and the water damage!" A low growl escaped Onyx's throat and smoke billowed up from his mouth and nose.

"This pillar. Oh, and this had a head.." Pearl stopped to look at a statue. Onyx and Steven stopped as well.

"Oh, Steven, once the statue's in place, It'll restore all of this to its former glory-" Pearl gave a fearful yelp and Onyx growled at the familiar sight of crystal shrimp crawling up the statue. He snapped open his mouth quickly, and hot, scarlet lava shot from his mouth. The lava melted the statue, and the crystal shrimp skittered away,

"What was that goober?" asked Steven.

"Crystal shrimp. They taste pretty good." Onyx shrugged, his lava spittle drooling from his maw and down his chin.

"Don't say that! They're poisonous. Steven, don't eat them." Pearl scoffed and walked off.

"You guys! We've got a problem!" came Amethyst's voice from up a flight of stairs. The three came up the stairs quickly and Onyx looked around, lava-spittle still drooling down his chin.

"It's an infestation!" shouted Pearl.

"No it's not, they live here." Onyx replied, earning a small 'right' from pearl.

"Well, we have to pass through here to get to the top."

"Can't you just squish 'em?" Steven asked, kneeling down.

"No. The shards. Deadly." Onyx grabbed him by the handle of his bag and lifted him away.

"We need to clear a path."

"Genius." Onyx muttered.

"Amethyst, if you go around to the side and disturb them with a spin attack.." Pearl began explaining.

"And Garnet, if you move to the ceiling and strike this exact spot... Then I can advance with my-" She was cut off by Steven's yelling

"Bagel sandwich!" He reached into his bag and flung out two bagel sandwiches at the shrimp. He also gave one to Onyx who quickly ate it.

"Thanks." He smiled and patted the boy's head.

"Brilliant." Stated Garnet, with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, hey, whaddayaknow." Amethyst mimicked the action.

"Uh, uhm." Pearl shook her head, dissipating the hologram that came from her gem.

"How did you know that would work?" She asked in amazed confusion.

"Well, if I were a shrimp, that's what I would do." Steven explained.

"You are." Onyx snickered playfully, running a paw through the boy's hair. Amethyst snorted.

"I just want everyone to know, my plan would have also worked." Pearl tried to reassure. As the group walked on, a loud rumbling was heard.

"Watch out!" Garnet had yelled, throwing an arm out to stop them from going any farther. Then, a passageway burst open. The cold stone that had once blocked it off, was washed away by a sudden wave of water.

"Woah.." Steven looked on at the new obstacle.

"What are we going to do?" Everyone turned to Steven.

"What- me??"

"You're the man with the plans." Onyx grinned, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What have you got?" Garnet asked.

"Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack!" Amethyst chanted, pumping an arm up as Steven looked through his bag.

"Pearl! Onyx! C'mon!" Amethyst nudged Onyx in the side, earring a glare at a deep growl. She stepped away sheepishly.

"Oh, alright." Pearl gave in, chanting with her.

"Cheeseburger backpack! Cheeseburger backpack!" The two yelled. Steven smiled and pulled out a raft.

"A raft!!" He held up the raft in both hands.

"Steven, that's so sensible!!"

"Very smart." Onyx praised. However, just like the crumbling rock of the spire, the gem's excitement was quickly washed away as Steven threw the raft into the water.

"Nevermind. " Onyx walked off. He flipped onto his hands and pushed off of them, kicking a nearby stone pillar over to use as a makeshift bridge.

"Still, kind of a good idea." Onyx shrugged and walked on.

"Yeah, they can't all be winners." Amethyst agreed, following quickly. For the next couple of minutes, often described as 'ages' by Steven, they walked on and on. Eventually, they reached the top and Steven looked around in wonder. 

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