Chapter 12

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The days flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Julia was a woman possessed, her flat transformed into a temporary staging ground for her grand vision – The Wonkey Paintbrush. Opening day was around the corner, a looming, slightly terrifying prospect, but mostly thrilling.

The venue itself wouldn't win any interior design awards. Tucked away on a quiet side street, it was more 'charmingly eccentric' than 'studio chic'. The plumbing had a mind of its own, with a penchant for developing surprise leaks at the most inopportune moments. But armed with a paintbrush, a gallon of lilac paint (because who doesn't love a bit of whimsy?), and a treasure trove of second-hand furniture, Julia worked her magic.

Sure, the space was a bit shabby around the edges, but it held a certain undeniable charm. The slightly chipped floorboards gleamed with a fresh coat of varnish, the lilac walls hummed with playful energy, and the mismatched tables, repurposed from a charity shop raid, somehow managed to look perfectly mismatched.

Her reverie was interrupted by the insistent trill of her phone. A glance at the screen revealed a name that always brought a smile to her face: Maggie. Her oldest friend, a firecracker from Manchester with a wit as sharp as a Sheffield blade and a loyalty fiercer than a cornered badger.

"Julia, luv, come meet us for a bevvy yeah?" Maggie's voice crackled through the phone.

"A pint, Maggie? How many have you managed to neck already?" Julia teased, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Enough to want some decent company," Maggie retorted back, the playful lilt in her voice unmistakable. "Besides, I've got the goss on bloody everything. You wouldn't believe the right royal kerfuffle down the street earlier."

Julia couldn't help but chuckle. Maggie always seemed to find herself in the thick of things, whether it was witnessing a particularly dramatic council meeting or befriending a stray budgie on the bus. "Fine, Margaret," she conceded, using Maggie's least favourite nickname just for the fun of it. "I'll grace you with my presence. Be there in fifteen."

"Yes, yes, just get here before closing time, yeah?" Maggie said with a mischievous glint in her voice, before hanging up with a flourish.

Julia shook her head, a smile still playing on her lips. Maggie's brand of chaos was exactly what she needed right now.

Pushing open the pub door, Julia was greeted by a cacophony of chatter, laughter, and the ever-present smell of slightly stale beer. Spotting a flash of bright red hair in the corner, she navigated the bustling room with a smile. Maggie, perched on a high stool like a manic pixie, positively beamed at her arrival.

"Julia, luv! There you are!" Maggie boomed, her Manchester accent as thick as the bar gravy. Julia was engulfed in a hug that threatened to pop a button or two.

The next hour melted away in a whirlwind of gossip, bad puns, and shared pints. Maggie, ever the storyteller, regaled Julia with tales of a particularly grumpy pigeon who'd taken up residence outside her flat and a near-miss with a runaway mobility scooter on the high street.

Suddenly, Maggie's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Right, enough of me waffling on," she declared, then proceeded to point a dramatic finger across the room. "See that bloke over there? The one with the cheekbones that could cut diamonds? Aye, that's him."

Julia followed Maggie's finger to land on the most handsome man she'd seen in months. Tall, dark hair, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, he was practically radiating charm. Maggie, ever the wingwoman, chuckled. "Don't worry, you haven't been out of the dating game for that long, luv. But consider this a public service announcement."

A blush crept up Julia's cheeks. Since the whole Danny debacle, she hadn't exactly been putting herself out there. Maggie, ever perceptive, must have noticed.

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