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*Adrian's POV*

It has been a long day. It's only 4th period and it's only Thursday. I'm currently walking with Elijah to my locker to put my books up.

"You look ready to go home," Elijah says to me.

"Who wouldn't be?" I say sarcastically while putting my locker combo in.

"Okay, spicy," He replies back, referring to my tone of voice.

"Oh here comes the bitch, I'll catch you later I don't wanna deal with this," He suddenly says then disappears down the crowded hallway.

I look up confused to see Taylor and her posse walking towards me. Yeah, she's been so dry towards me lately. I don't know who pissed in her Cheerios, but it wasn't me.

"You're in my way," She says sternly.

"Other people have lives too, not just you Princess," I reply back with a smirk.

She rolls her blue eyes, "Just get out of my way Gomez, I have stuff to do."

"Just for that I'm gonna take my time now, Scott," I reply and turn my attention back to my now open locker.

She begins tapping her foot and sighing very loudly. In response I, accidentally, close my locker and make the combination lock reset.

"Oops looks like I have to redo my combo, Princess," I say while smiling at her.

She narrows her eyes at me and lets out the loudest huff.

I intentionally mess up my combo before she says, "Can you stop being a bitch and just move, Gomez?"

"Say please," I reply back.

She pauses and looks me up and down before giving in, "Please."

I move out of the way and continue on to my next class. She should really go back to being nice. It fits her better.

My next period is a free period. Meaning I can literally just do whatever I want. As long as it doesn't violate the rules.

I wind up using that period to go over plays with my basketball coach, Coach Harris. She's a pretty good coach so far.

Before I know it, the day ends and I'm on my back home. Finally.

I walk into my house and my Uncle and very beloved Elijah are here. He checked out earlier for no reason. That bitch.

"Hey AG, how you doing today," Uncle Sebastian says while wrapping me in a bear hug.

"Meh, I'm okay, I could be better," I say honestly.

"Well that's better than nothing, right?" He says smiling.

I nod in response and lay my stuff on the couch. It's nice having them around. They're always so comforting without even having to say anything.

"Adrian, you wanna go out tomorrow night?" Elijah asks me, "there's a party at Malcolm Bernard's house."

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean yeah, his father is Alonzo Bernard, that guy that was in that movie with your Dad a couple years back," Elijah says.

"You know there's been a million people who's worked with my dad right?" I say with a chuckle.

"Yeah I get it, anyways, you in?" He asks with a smile.

"I guess I'll go," I say and he has the biggest grin on his face.

"You're so easy to please," I say while stuffing Doritos in my face.

He just shrugs his shoulders and continues on with whatever he was doing before I walked in.

I sit on the couch with my beloved Doritos and Tago comes to join me. He lays his head on my lap and waits for pets.

To which I oblige with my non Dorito-dusty hand. Can't have Tago's beautiful fur get ruined by Dorito dust.

He begins to fall asleep in my lap and eventually I'm stuck here because I will not wake up my precious baby just to go to my bed.

Elijah comes to sit beside me and turns on a movie. Of course he chose The Amazing Spider-Man. This boy is obsessed with Spider-Man. It's almost unhealthy.

"So how long do you think Taylor will be a bitch before she finally gives in to her desires?" He says while watching the TV screen.

"What do you mean desires?" I ask him.

"Don't play dumb, that girl definitely has something for you. Even if it's not a crush now, it definitely will be," He says in reply.

"You're wrong Elijah, she's just a bitch. Nothing to it. I was wrong for thinking we could even be friends," I say with a scoff.

I was wrong for having even the slightest thought that we could be more. Elijah was right. I do need to stop thinking with my dick.

Taylor was pretty, yeah. But she's such a bitch.

"Just wait, Adrian, you'll see," he says, still laser focused on the TV, "Just wait."

"Okay, whatever you say Sarge," I say sarcastically.

I get a laugh and nudge in the side in reply. I love hanging out with him. It always makes me feel better.

Honestly, hanging out with any of the bandmates makes me feel 10x better about my life. They understand me.

If I don't wanna talk, they don't make me. If I wanna talk, they listen to every word. If I wanna cry, they'll hold me. If I wanna scream, they'll listen but cover their ears.

They're just my bestest friends in the whole wide world! Like a 7 year old would say. You know? We all have someone like them in our lives.

Eventually the movie is over and Elijah and Uncle Sebastian get up to leave. And finally, Tago gets up to follow them to the door.

I get up to hug them goodbye and to finally stretch my legs after spending 2 and a half hours of Tago's heavy ass laying on them.

Do not underestimate the power of a dog laying on you for that long. It's not for the weak. Especially if you're in a terribly uncomfortable position.

They leave and I say goodnight to Dad and head up to bed to finally get some rest.

I need all the rest I can get until this weekend. Cause partying with Elijah? That's all night. And not to mention I have basketball practice tomorrow afternoon. Right after school.

Which gives me absolutely no time to rest then. So I have to get all my resting done tonight then maybe a little after practice. But then I got to hurry and get ready then go party.

Don't we just love life?

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