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*Adrian's POV*

I walk into the University's huge gym ready to play the state championship game. We won our last 3 playoff games, putting us against another undefeated team for the title.

Our cheerleaders walk in behind us and take in the large arena.

"This thing is huge," The co-captain says.

"Right," Taylor responds back with a smile.

She walks next to me and whispers in my ear, "I know what else is huge."

She has a gigantic smirk plastered on her face as my face turns five different shades of red.

"Ma'am I'm about to play the most important game of my life," I say back as I brush my lips on her ear.

"Oops, my bad," She replies and pecks me on the lips.

I shake my head as she walks away to her seat in the stands.

"Adrian, you ready?" I hear my dad ask from behind me.

"I'm so ready," I respond back with exhilaration as I turn to face him.

"I'm glad. You got this okay?" He says as he puts both his hands on my shoulders.

"Thank you Dad," I reply back with a smile.

"Anytime Fea," He says and finds a seat.

I walk into the large locker room and meet the rest of my teammates in there.

"I'm so nervous," Nora says while wrapping up her ankle brace.

"Don't be, we got this," I reply back.

"Easy for you to say," She says, "You know there's a scout from LSU and NC State watching right?"

"Elijah had mentioned something about that, but I didn't pay a lot of attention to it," I reply back.

"It's throwing me off my game a little bit. I need a scholarship so bad," She replies with a sigh.

I walk over to where she's sitting and make her look up at me.

"Listen, you're the best basketball player I've ever seen, Nora. You're going to get that scholarship. Don't get so worked up, okay?" I say to her with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you," She says as she smiles back at me.

"Now show those scouts why you deserve a scholarship," I say to her as we lineup for our runout.

We run out onto the court to the song Rumors by Lil Durk. The other team's manager is picking the songs and they're not too bad.

After putting up a few shots I go to the corner three point line and do some stretches to get extra ready for this game.

I look up and directly in front of me I see a woman wearing LSU attire. Must be the scout Nora was talking about.

The sound of the whistle that interrupts my stretching, sends a wave of adrenaline through my body.

We line up in our formation and get ready for the tipoff.

The other team won the tipoff leaving us at a disadvantage. Based on the film we've watched,  if they win the tipoff, they go on unstoppable runs.

We need to put an end to that.

Their point guard, who has an offer from Iowa and USC, goes up for a layup that Nora defends very well, but it goes in.

"My bad," Nora says in my direction.

"I mean, what can you do?" I say back as I inbound her the ball.

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