The Powers

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After a few weeks Melanie joined and she was really excited to see Raelynn and Avery. But she didn't know what happened on Anatton. So Raelynn and Avery helped her to decorate her room.

A few weeks passed and then and one day before the professor was about to leave for work ,

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A few weeks passed and then and one day before the professor was about to leave for work ,

Professor : Ok girls! I'm going to work . Don't go into the lab . I'll be back by noon . Bye !

And he left . But after a few minutes Raelynn heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs . It started to irritate her , so she went to see what was going on .

Raelynn:  What are you two doing ? Why is there so much noise ?!

Melanie: Avery is not giving me back my new pencil case .

Avery : What! ? It's mine .

Melanie: No. It's mine .

They both fight over the pencil case and accidentally crash open the lab door .

Raelynn : You two are gonna get us in big trouble . So , Stop fighting !!!

But they didn't listen and went inside the lab . And the floors of the lab were really slippery.

Raelynn : So that's why the professor didn't want us to go into the lab . Because he just washed this place and it still hasn't dried .

But Avery and Melanie slipped and fell on the ground and the pencil case was about to tip over the chemicals .

But Avery and Melanie slipped and fell on the ground and the pencil case was about to tip over the chemicals

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Raelynn : Are you both okay ?

Avery : Yeah . We're fine .

Melanie : Oh no ! Raelynn ! Get the pencil case. It's gonna tip over those chemicals!

Raelynn:  Oh no ! Don't worry , I'll take it away from the chemicals carefully.

But before  when Raelynn was about to reach it , the chemicals were spilt and the girls were all covered in gooey liquids .

The Intro to the Trinity of Girl Power Where stories live. Discover now