The spies

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That night , The Professor called Professor Siera and Professor Pane and they came to help the girls .

Professor Siera : Okay girls ! Meet "Buddy" the ladybug .

Professor Pane : And we can use this screen to see and hear of whatever that buddy records .

Professor Pane : And we can use this screen to see and hear of whatever that buddy records

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Raelynn : Okay then ! Let's send him off.

They send buddy to Glorial City and in under a few minutes he reached the mansion . Everyone gazed at the mansion as it was the only beautiful and bright place in an abandoned city.

 Everyone gazed at the mansion as it was the only beautiful and bright place in an abandoned city

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when buddy went inside , the girls and the professors saw that there were a lot of cameras .

Melanie : Won't the cameras spot buddy .

Professor Siera : Nope ! I've programmed buddy by adding stealth mode to his system . That way nothing can see or sense him .

Avery : Look ! Livara is going to that room.

So buddy followed her. And thankfully buddy recorded the password of which Livara used to enter that room.

Livara : I'm back again brother Ken.

Ken : Good . Anything else you know about them .

Livara : Yep ! Those three girls are full armed and they have other powers too . So , it won't be easy to fight them .

Melanie : Are they talking about us ?

Ken : We'll see about that !

Livara : Whatever ! Anyway have your guards finished making the jet and the portal yet ? Or are you gonna send me out again to get some more stuff .


Livara : I would, if you stop shouting so much .

Avery : Yeesh ! It looks like these two nuts don't know how to get along .

Raelynn : Yeah ! No kidding.

Livara : Anyway , what are these things for anyway !?

Ken : I've built this portal so that we can travel to other dimensions and other worlds , we can trap those pesky girls you keep on yapping about !

Livara : Firstly ,RUDE !! Second , you didn't build it . The guards did . And third I actually agree with you trapping those girls . You are actually listening to me !

Ken : Well , if this doesn't work out the way I want , then you will be doing some more work. Anyway , The sky Rider is ready ! The Sky Rider will be my plane that will help me go around the world . This will help me to finish father's work .

All the girls and professors : Father !!!?

Ken : And after we get rid of whoever gets in our way . I'll take it and rule this pathetic world . I WILL BE THE RULER OF THE SKIES !!! (Laughs) .

Livara : And what about me ? I was literally the one who did most of the work and yet I don't get anything . Don't think you're so smart Ken . I have plans of my own .

Ken : Oh ! Well then you could be incharge of the grounds or whatever . I don't really care . I deserve most of it.

Raelynn : I think we got all the info we need . Let's get buddy out of there .

After buddy gets back ,

Raelynn : I have this feeling that Ken is being a little too harsh on Livara . What if that's the reason that will turn Livara into a nefarious villain .

Avery : Yeah ! Livara might take revenge on Ken and she might be one of the worst villains we're ever gonna face .

Melanie : Well , whatever we're gonna face , we'll beat them and win the day !

Then the other professors decided to leave .

Raelynn : Thanks for your help guys !

Professor Siera : It's our pleasure.

And they left .

Raelynn : Well we have a problem with Guards ! But I'm sure we'll beat them.

Avery : Yeah ! As long as we're together nothing can beat us .

Raelynn : Yep. Okay . So first we'll go to the mansion ; Avery will hack into the system and shut down all the cameras ; We'll take care of the guards and we'll destroy the portal and the Sky Rider .

Melanie : And we get those guys and send them to The Correction Centre.

Avery : FINALLY ! A new adventure !

Raelynn : Woah Woah Woah ! We know that they're expecting us to come go to the mansion . So they'll probably have something planned for us .

Melanie : Oh yeah ! What if things don't go the way we expect them to !

Avery : We're the Trinity of Girl Power. We can handle anything .

Raelynn : This is our first mission Avery !

Professor : But she's right ! I'm sure you girls will do fine ! Now go and have some rest . You girls have a big day tomorrow

The Intro to the Trinity of Girl Power Where stories live. Discover now