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Hi there! Thanks a lot for choosing to read my story it means a lot to me to be honest.
I've tried my best to make this fan fiction a bit different than the others. Cause honestly most of the TokioHotel fan fictions seem the same to me. (No hate to the writers) So I hope you have a lot of fun reading this.

I do have to say, that English isn't my first language so please correct me if I make any mistakes in spelling or grammar.
Also I've never fully committed to seriously writing a fan fiction. I've wrote one before but it was a satire story about two friends of mine.
I'll try to upload at least one chapter everyday but I make no promises.

Most of the story takes place in Los Angeles USA.
I know TokioHotel didn't move there until 2010 after finishing the humanoid city tour, but in this story they moved there after they finished the zimmer 483 tour.

I honestly think the first few chapters are a bit bad, and sloppy written. But it gets better I promise!

Anyways, I don't think I have anything else to say.
Thanks again for choosing to read this story, and I hope you enjoy this book!

Xx Naomi

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