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A few days have passed and totally forgot to tell Liz about what happend at the bar. Probably because if I told someone I would be too embarrassed  cause of how awkward it actually was. But I didn't think it was important anyway.

I was with the band in Dylan's bedroom. No matter how much I came there, I couldn't not be impressed of how cool his bedroom was. It was big with a slanted ceiling that was covered in posters of his favourite bands. Different kinds of bass guitars hung up on the wall. A new tv on table across from his bed next to a shelf filled to the brim with cds and dvd's.

"The VMAS are coming up," Robin spoke as he played one of our new songs on an unplugged Telecaster. "Do you think we'll be nominated?" He asked. And I looked up from the magazine I was reading. "I hope so." I said calmly and Flynn spoke up quickly again. "I honestly think we'll be. We've grown pretty big the last year." He said in a serious tone. And I saw how Dylan nodded in agreement. "I guess that's true, I'm not gonna lie I feel pretty confident about it too." I said again. And the topic switched quickly again.

A few minutes later a silence fell. And I looked at a picture of Venice beach hanging above Dylan's bed. "Have you guys told anyone yet?" I asked in general. "Told what?" Flynn asked, and I noticed a bit of worry on his face as he noticed my serious tone. "I don't know, are we really sure about moving? It feels like a bit of a big step we're taking." I asked and my facial expression turned a bit sad. Flynn noticed and quickly got up from his drums to sit next to me on Dylan's bed. "I'm sure there a great studios here in The Netherlands, is it really necessary to move?" I said the boys stayed silent for a bit.

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Robin reassured me. "It would only have good benefits for us and our career." He said and turned to me. "Have you guys told anyone yet?" I asked and heard Dylan spoke up. "I already told my parents before we were sure." He said and the rest nodded, saying they did the same. "Shit," I said and looked down. "So I'm way too late right now, how do I still tell them?" The boys stayed silent for a bit.

"If I were you I would first go to your sister." Dylan stated slowly as he was scared to say it. "Yeah, that was my plan. But how?" And they all stayed silent again.

I looked back at that moment when I got home later on. As I opened the front door and greeted my parents in the kitchen, I immediately went up to Evi's room. This time I'll actually tell her. I frowned while I stood in front of her bedroom door. I hesitated for a second but i knocked anyway she quickly answered.

I slowly entered her bedroom "Hey vi" I said calmly and gently closed the door behind me. "Something wrong?" She asked with genuine concern as she noticed my mood not being as bubbly like normally. She sat up on her bed as I sat down next to her. "Not wrong, but I've got to tell you this." I said looking around at the multiple TokioHotel posters she hung up on her walls. "Well?" She asked and she went to sit closer next to me. "I'm moving out." I said quickly, looking in front of me instead of facing her. "That's great, you've finally found a nice house?" She said excited for me. "Vi," I started and I looked at her with a seriously sad look. Her smile dropped quickly as she noticed my mood. "I'm moving countries." I said and I felt a lump in my throat. I can't imagine leaving my little sister. "I'm moving to America." I said and my voice almost broke.

She stayed silent for a bit. I waited for her answer. "Why?" She asked and I looked away from her again. "The band decided it would be better, so we could grow a little more." I said looking at my shoes. I felt her eyes on me. "Aren't you guys big enough? All my friends from school love you and your friends." She said barely above a whisper. "We felt like it's the right thing." I answered.

After we stayed in silence for a bit I felt her arms wrap around me. "I'll miss you." She said into my hair. I wrapped my arms around her. "I'll visit when I can." I reassured. As she pulled away she spoke up again. "When are you leaving?" She asked. "I won't be here this Christmas." I told her and I watched her pout. "But I'll promise I'll be all the other years." I said and I placed my hand on hers.

Later that evening I was sitting in my room and I heard a knock an my door. My mum came in. "Hey, you haven't told me how your tour went yet." She asked slowly coming in and gently closing the door behind her. I quickly closed my notebook as I saw her sitting next to me. "Great actually. It's still crazy to me how big we've gotten." I said with excitement. And she nodded with a smile. "I'm so proud of u." She said with glistening eyes. I smiled back at her. "I'm sure you've seen a few videos on the internet right? " I asked and she nodded. "I did, you did so well." She responded.

"You didn't check the mailbox when you got home?" She suddenly asked. "No?" I asked and she smiled. "I think you should've." She said and she got a letter from behind her. As she handed it to me I read my full name and the name of my band. Under my name it read 'MTV Video music award' and I gasped. I looked at my mother with a dropped jaw and she nodded with a smile. "No way!" I expressed. I threw the magazine I was reading to the other side of my bed and quickly got up to grab my phone from my Tv stand. I heard my mum chuckle as I flipped open my phone to see 12 missed calls from Dylan, Flynn and Robin.

Star trails // TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now