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As Tom noticed me and we made eye contact, he gave me a smirk. I looked away and went of stage as I felt a lump in my throat.

Flynn quickly ran up to me. "What happend?" He asked, a face full of concern as he placed his hand on my shoulder. My eyes started to water a bit. I felt dramatic but Flynn pulled me into a hug quickly. "My earpiece shut off" I said with a shaky voice. Dylan came to stand closer to us. "You did really good, don't worry too much everyone would understand." He said reassuring and I released myself from Flynn's arms.

I quickly walked up to Robin and hugged him. "You took over so well! Without you it would've been actually bad." He said and he smiled a bit but didn't really say anything. He seemed angry. I suddenly shut down and looked down at my feet. "I'm actually so sorry." I apologised for messing up. "No you couldn't have done anything about it." Robin spoke up.
One of the men backstage came up to us. "You guys have to leave," he said and the presenter followed him. "After this commercial break they're going to announce the winners." He said and told us to leave. "Not even an apology?" I mumbled to Dylan when we walked away, back towards our booths.

The walk to our booth was embarrassing. Most of the artist around our booth gave us a thumbs up, or reassured us saying something along the lines of 'you did great.' We didn't but it's fine. The only band who said nothing was the one sitting in the booth to our right. We sat down on the couches next to the people of our team. They started a conversation about what happened after telling us we did really good. "They didn't even apologise, they dismissed us the moment we got off stage!" Robin said a bit angry. As I heard them talk I slowly drifted away from the conversation, I turned to my right to see TokioHotel laughing with each other again.

I watched them and tried to hear what they were saying, but it was very loud in the venue. I heard someone speak, their voice sounded low. Like a bass under the rest of the noise, and voices around us. I heard what it said, but I barely understood German. I looked up at them again as I heard that same low voice call me. "Kaitlyn!" I heard faintly. "I suggest a warming up next time, don't want your voice to crack like that on stage again, eh." Tom said with a grin on his face. I felt my face get hot and my cheeks got a little pink, but I wasn't blushing. Not for this asshole. I clenched my jaw and frowned. "Fuck you!" I spat at him, loud enough for him to hear. As I saw his grin grow wider and his friend with long, light brown hair laugh I turned around and crossed my arms.

"What was that?" Flynn asked. "Nothing." I said quickly before I clenched my jaw again. I felt the people in my booth stare at me with concern. I exchanged a few looks before changing the topic. "Who do you think will win for the other categories?" I asked and sat up. Unlike I expected everybody just went ahead and answered the question. "How long till they announce the winners?" I asked one of the guys of our crew. "About.." he started and looked at his watch. "Ten minutes. Why?" He asked and tilted his head a bit. "I do you think I have time to go to the restroom?" I asked and he hesitated. "If you make it quick." He said finally and I quickly stood up walking past TokioHotel's booth as quickly as possible. Just as I thought this night couldn't get worse, I heard a whistle behind me. I turned my head and saw Tom and Georg giggle and laugh while looking at me. I quickly turned my head back again. I took a deep breath and continued walking.

I got back in time, right before they announced the winner for Monster hit of the year. Me and the guys of my band watched them announce every winner. We clapped for them and congratulated them as they walked passed our booth towards the stage. But we've been also waiting anxiously till they announced the winner for the categorie we've got nominated for.
"Is that even possible?" I asked in a bit of a cheeky tone as we watched Justin Timberlake walk away with his forth award. "I guess," Robin said and I hushed him before he could finish his sentence.

The young woman with blond hair in a tight black dress spoke up again. "And now it's time to announce the winner for the last categorie, Best Group video!" She called and the audience made some noise while the nerves made me grab Dylan's hand as quickly as possible.
"The award.. for best group video, goes to.." she said and she opened the envelope. "TokioHotel!" She called. And my tight grip released from Dylan's hand. I heard sighs from the guys around me.

"Dankeschön!" Bill called into the mic. And the audience clapped and yelled for them. "Wow! This is so crazy actually, we're so grateful to win an award like this, thank you all!" He repeated in English before Tom came up to the mic. "We like to thank all of our fans! We could not have done it without you guys!" He said and we made eye contact. "We are so glad to inspire our fans, and notice they want to be just like us!" He said and a wide grin appeared on his face as he looked at me while saying that. "Dankeschön!" He called and went off stage passing the award from his left hand to his right and back. He grinned widely at me as he walked passed our booth, towards his own. "Asshole." Dylan mumbled close to my ear, for me to hear.

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