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    July 28 2007 Amstelveen The Netherlands

"Hey, Evi!" I called and peeked through a crack of her door. "Hm?" My little sister asked and when I saw her laying on her bed on her stomach, writing in her journal I entered her room.
"Kind of rude isn't it? Listening to your sister's competition." I said cheeky before I turned off her stereo. "Hey!" She called and I watched her get up. "Come on I just got back home and I hoped to hear that you're proud of me but this feels like a stab in the back!" I said jokingly while I took out the cd. "I am proud of you!" She said and started grinning. "But that doesn't mean your music is any better than this." She said and grabbed the cd from my hand that read 'Zimmer 483' in white text on a grey background. "You only say that cause you have a crush on all of them." I said crossing my arms. She just scoffed and put the cd back in its case.

When I entered my own bedroom again I sighed at the mess that I made yesterday after unpacking everything. I took a step further and I heard paper crack under my shoe. When I looked down it was a cutout piece of a newspaper. I smiled at it and quickly went to pick it up, trying to get the creases out I read the date. 'August 30 2004'. I remembered the day so vividly. The boys trying to calm me down cause of how nervous I was. But it ended up going so well. I remember Flynn saying all the nerves would disappear the moment I would start playing, and exactly like he said, It did and it felt like I was in my own world. I suddenly remembered Dylan's words that day. What he said to the interviewer and how in a few years we would be in studios and performing in arenas. Looking back at fourteen year old me I wondered what her reaction would be if she knew I just got back from tour throughout Europe.

I looked over my shoulder through the doorframe of my bedroom to the closed door of my sister's bedroom. I could hear her sing along to the same band, just a different album. "Jezus" I thought as I realised she's fourteen now and she still seems so young to me. I looked back at the piece of newspaper in my hand. A sudden wave of guilt hit me as I thought about my sister. She had no idea about the plans of the band. No idea I probably won't see her again for a while. The band has been talking about moving countries for a while. We wanted a better studio and going to a place where it's full of celebrities would be so much easier. Even though we still don't consider ourselves celebrities. I looked at the newspaper again. I read Dylan's text. I felt a sting in my chest when I read the words 'LA'. Am I really doing this? and when do I announce it?

After sitting on my bed for a while, Linkin park playing from my discman straight into my ears. I finally decided to get up. I walked up to my sisters bedroom and hesitated to knock, I took a breath and when I was about to knock I heard an Eminem song come from my pocket. "Kut." (Shit) I muttered under my breath. I put the phone to my ear. "Hey Liz" I said as I knew it was her because of the ringtone. I walked back into my own room as I listened to her talking. "You want to go out tonight?" I asked. I looked at my alarm clock that said '20:32' "don't you think it's a bit too late?" I asked. "We have the whole night" she said casually. "But what about school tomorrow?" I asked with genuine concern. "I thought you dropped out last year?" She asked in a cheeky tone. "Yeah but you didn't!" I responded quickly. She stayed silent for a few seconds. "I'll pick you up in half an hour!" She said quickly. "But Liz," i said but she already hung up. I smiled at her boldness. Liz is one of my best friends I haven't seen her because of the tour. So honestly going out with her could cheer me up a lot. Maybe it was for the better.

Minutes had passed and I heard someone honk in front of my house. I'm so lucky my parents aren't home. Even though they've known me all my life and probably knew I went clubbing every night when I was on tour, they would never allow me to do this under their roof. Liz was one year older than me, I was so jealous she was already allowed to drive. A girl with brown curls opened the window of the passenger seat. "Trying to make an iconic comeback?" She said smiling at my outfit. I was wearing a short red dress with flowers and a halter neck, my hair curled with here and there some tiny braids. "And what if I did?" I said jokingly while stepping in the car. She immediately hugged me. "I've missed you!" She said into my hair. "Same" I smiled as she pulled away.

"Where are we going?" I said excitingly rubbing my hands together. "So" she started while speeding up while we left the neighbourhood road. "My brother has this friend, who's been acting really interested in me." She turned to me smiling. "And..?" I asked. "He works as like, you know one of those guards at this nightclub near Diemen." She said smiling and lightly blushing. "So we're going there?" I asked excitedly. "Duh" she said before she was about to take a right. When the clicking sound of the direction indicator stopped she spoke again. "But before that we're picking up Micheal and Dylan." And she pulled into Michael's neighbourhood. "You've called the, already?" I asked. And she looked at me as if I was stupid. "Of course." She said and stopped in front of Michaels house

Star trails // TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now