Fact/Lore about "The Day Gaia Die' and next war.

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We will still follow the main story and will return to that day scene, the day Gaia herself was killed and then resurrected according to my story.

As we know, the way she died was as follows, as told by her supporters.

"Summary: Discovered alongside several other unidentified yet nusian corpses, all chopped and showing signs of sharp weapon trauma. It was concluded she had died from several shovel hits to the torso, legs, and head. June 2nd, 2044."

And yes, we know that she die in June 2nd, 2044 ("Garden", Siege) when she just only 17.

Pie is the one of the Soldiers help old S-5-5 fight her with other his old teammate. And yes he know how she death and still remember that she was die.

After all Gaia still alive, but in extreme pain. All around her are the body parts of her slain Minions. She was so scared and in pain that she started to cry in silent. She wishes to be treated as a girl and not be discriminated against, bullied and still go to school but that can only be a small dream that cannot come true for her.

She was about to die, but luckily for her, a Dummy... With a student badge named Tekai, he was taking refuge with other civilians near the Garden. Because the fighting stopped and he decided to go out to find food and accidentally found Gaia lying in a corner with other corpses. Even though he knew she was an enemy, he saw someone else dying in front of him and had no strength to resist, so he had no choice but to help her turn on locator to help Nusian find her location.

Before he left, he accidentally dropped his badge because he was in a hurry to find food during these war days. Gaia then kept the badge in her hand and died.

But through the full plot of this DVN... We know that in this world there is G-MAN... a supreme entity with human form in G-mod. But if we consider G-mod, it has a multiverse connected to every game and movie universe. So then I created a hypothesis that Nusian had created a body regeneration machine. This type of machine is quite similar to the Respawn Machine in Team Fortress 2, But luckily for Nusian, they only made a machine that restored the body and brought people back from the dead. But one bad thing is that puberty for people from the dead means they have gone to hell and heaven so they had to feel the pain and joy in those places that haunted them... They didn't want to feel like dying again.
And Gaia is 1 one them. But she decides to use this life to find that person, Tekai. So if she was taken away again, even if she died and came back to life, she would still be satisfied if she could meet that benefactor again.

And fact 2 here is Gaia in The Nusian thought she was very ugly, But in reality, her appearance is just like a normal girl, but due to being bullied, she used a lot of banned substances to relieve stress, making her body just a bit ugly. After being revived, her body had just been treated so she was no different from a normal girl. And in some Dominions mind, she is a very good and quite strong mind person because they have also read Gaia's records about what she went through, she still can keep going after all suffering in her past.

Ok and fact 3: Tekai participated in the war and currently also one of the soldiers in the new S-5-5. Well so yes... Nusian in the next will be just a 🤡.

All new fact/lore end here.

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