Chapter 5

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Natalia's POV

I heard shouts coming from somewhere above me, and through my dreary vision I saw two figures racing towards me.

"Fuck! Is she okay?" I heard a deep voice exclaim, as strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"You idiot! You ran over her, of course she's not okay!" a fierce voice shot back.

"I-I-" I tried to stutter out, my voice failing me.

"Shhh. You'll be okay, what's your name?" the deep voice asked, trying to comfort me.

"N-N...Nat-nat," I falter, my voice failing to come out.

All of a sudden, I heard heavy footsteps running towards us. My body tensed up, my mind was getting hazier by the second, but I could feel the worry slowly creeping into it.

I wanted to scream out, and warn them that the assholes coming were dangerous, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"Brody! It's me, Kaden," a voice shouted out. Fuck. It was him, he caught up to me.

"Fuck, man! This girl, she was just in the middle of the street and I couldn't stop fast enough, I-I..." Brody, I'm assuming, attempted to explain the situation. So, he knew Kaden then...

"You what?!" Kaden said with a dangerously low voice, and the tension in the air grew like a weed.

"I! Well, she was running, and I was driving, I-" Brody started, but was cut off, by a small feminine voice.

"We were driving, we didn't see her. Clearly it was an accident. Why are you so mad, anyways?" the girl questioned.

My mind was screaming at me. I was trying to muster up all the strength I had left in myself to get away, but Brody still had his arms tightly wrapped around my small frame, and I was far too weak.

"Give me her," was all that came out of Kaden.

"No," I managed to whisper, trying to stop my eyes from dropping shut. "K-kidnap-napper," I managed once again, trying hard to stay awake. I wouldn't let myself be kidnapped. No.

I could feel all eyes on me, and a small cry left my lips as I felt someone grab me from arms of Brody.

"Shh. Shh, you're safe with me doll," a gentle voice cooed, but I knew it was bullshit.

I tried to kick him and hit him, but it was useless. I was loosing my own battle. Against my will, I
felt my own two eyes slowly shut, as my world slowly came to a halt.


When I woke up, I was in a dark room. Moonlight was leaking in through a tall, glass window, illuminating everything around me. I took slow, deep breaths. Panic starting to settle it's way into my body as I remembered the horrific events of the night.

Where was I?!

I was laying on a soft, silky bed. My legs lost in the covers. I looked at my body, and noticed that I was wearing loose, grey sweatpants and an oversized maroon t-shirt.

My breath hitched. I had been wearing jean shorts, and a crop top. Someone had changed me.

I quickly jumped out of the bed, and nearly fell to the floor as pain shot through my body. The right side of my body was on fire, and I struggled to breathed. I lifted up my shirt, wanting to see the damage. I grimaced when I saw the right side of my torso black and bruised.

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