Chapter 3

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Natalia's POV

I gasp, running out of breath. Moaning as I clutch my aching sides, which were beginning to cramp up from sprinting so hard.

I hear the footsteps behind me speed up at my slowing down and I quickly begin my sprint again. Pulling out my phone, I begin dialing Lex's number and sprint towards her house.

But shit! She's at the hospital, which gives me no other choice than to go home, where once again I would be all alone.

I slowly take a deep breath, attempting to calm my racing nerves, and impossibly speed up. Thankfully, our houses are close to each other so I don't need to change my direction.

I was almost there, the shadow of my house making its way into my sight.

"You can't run away forever!" a voice growls from behind me, and I could tell they were close. They didn't even sound tired!

Too caught up in focusing all of my energy to my sprint, I ignore my assailants, sharply turning the corner that leads to my house.

I can see my house now, and it slowly grows larger as I get closer.

I let out a bloodcurdling scream as my body is fiercely tackled to the ground. Struggling, against the body that lays on top of me, I claw at the man's face, and try kicking him in the groin once again.

My breaths came out fast and shallow, my heart thumping wildly.

"Please," I desperately cry out. "Let me go!" I scream, thrashing around and flailing my arms. I'm terrified, my body beginning to shake in fear as dark thoughts seep into my mind.

"No!" he exclaims with a guttural growl. "You're mine now, doll."

I gulp, finally looking up to be met with piercing blue eyes. I shiver. It was the drool-worthy, black-haired man on top of me, his hard chest pressed into my soft breasts, hands on either side of my face. He holds my gaze for a minute, his intense blue hues locking with my own green ones, and I'm suddenly filled with an emotion I cannot decipher.

Breaking our intense gazes. He swiftly stands up, roughly grabbing my arm and bringing me up with him.

"Ow!" I screech, hissing in pain as my arm throbs under his touch.

His eyes soften, and he almost immediately loosens his grip. Taking advantage of this, yet curious as to why he cares about my torment, I quickly raise my foot and kick him with all of my might, right in the gut, knocking him back into his brunette friend. I turn around and sprint, but they are hot on my trail. Miraculously, already recovered from my feeble attempts at self defense.

I run up my driveway and struggle to get my keys out of my pocket. Fumbling with them for a few seconds, I hastily shove them into the lock, turning them and gasping in relief as the door clicks. I throw it open, and run inside. The familiar feel of home providing me with some solace. The door slams shut as my fingers race to the lock, turning the button and once again I hear that comforting click.

I hear a loud thud outside and realize that one of my predators is mercilessly throwing himself against the wooden door.


From the way the wood vibrates, I can tell he is very strong, which only deepens my panic.

I nimbly pull the curtain aside and peek through the small crack I've created. A dark silhouette stands at my door, his chest heaving as his hands pound against the weakening door. I notice that the man is the brunette one, his dark eyes deepening in fury as they lock onto mine, sending me an exasperated glare. I stare back with a dull expression, straining not to show the fear that is slowly overpowering my mind, and I quickly let the cutain fall back in place.

My eyes suddenly widen as I come to a realization. There were two men after me, but I could only see the one.

As the goosebumps begin to surface on my tanned skin at the sudden revelation, I hear the sound of shattering glass echo throughout my house.

My mouth falls open in horror as millions of pieces of glass fly through the air, scratching at the exposed skin of my long legs.

Taking a shaky breath and I close my eyes. Reopening them, I press my back into the wall as a tall, dark shawdow appears in my vision.

A/N: Cliffhanger? (; I think yes.

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