Chapter 2- Lips of an Angel

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“Lips of an Angel”

Chapter 2 (Heather)

Here he was, standing before me, eight years later looking every bit as good as I last remembered him.  Charlie, the man that I once loved more than anything so long ago.

My nerves were starting to get  the best of me.  My hands were slightly trembling and my stomach was twisting in knots because I was here, here facing Charlie for the first time since I walked away from him that one fateful night that seemed ages ago.

“How have you been?” I asked trying to give him a small smile.

Charlie stood there rooted in place just staring at me without saying a word and it wasn't the first time I thought that showing up here would be a big mistake.

“Look” I told him as I started to take baby steps backwards. “I’m sorry to intrude, I’ll just, I’ll leave” I said turning on my heels ready to get the hell out of here.  This was most definitely a mistake.

I made it about three steps  before he hollered back at me.  “Heather, wait.”

I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned back to face him.  Again I was dumb struck by how good he now looked.  I knew that he was scheduled to go to the marines just a week after I left him and throughout the years I had heard that he did well moving through the ranks. 

By the looks of Charlie now, the marines benefited him well.  His body had bulked up tremendously and his demeanor had matured greatly.  It suited Charlie.

“Why did you come?” he asked walking down the steps to meet me.  “After all these years, why now? he asked seemingly perplexed why I was here, standing in front of him.

I hated to hear the pinch of pain in his voice.  That was the very thing that I wanted to avoid but I just had to see him one more time. I needed to assure myself that he had moved on and was doing well for himself.

I had never even gave him a reason for my leaving.  I just walked out the door and never looked back.  There was a reason though, but, at the time I felt that it was better to not say anything to him at all.  He had big plans for his military career and I knew without a doubt that if I had told him of the child that I carried in my belly that he would never have gone. 

I knew Charlie all to well.  He would have fought tooth and nail to stay with me and the baby.  The problem lied in that there was no way that I would have been able to bear the resentment that he would have had for me later because he stayed behind and didn’t follow his dreams.

Four months later it didn’t matter.  I lost our baby.  She was the last piece of Charlie that I carried with me and suddenly she was gone.  To this day I still mourn for the little girl that I never had the chance to love, the one good thing that Charlie and I created together.  But it was in the past and never meant to be, and that is where it needed to stay.  This is the present and I had to remind myself the real reason for my coming here.  Closure.

I let out a long sigh and nervously ran my fingers through my hair.  

“To see hoe you’re doing.  Make sure that you came out okay.” I told him sheepishly.

The door opened and a very pretty woman stepped out on the porch with a bright smile, “Charlie?” she called out.

“Just a minute babe.” he turned to answer her.

“Alright” she said and went to take a seat in one of the rocking chairs on the porch.

“Looks like your doing fine” I told him with a sincere smile.

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