Chapter 9- Lips of an Angel

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“Lips of an Angel”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 9 (Charlie)

I pulled up in front of the club and parked.  It was just a few minutes past midnight and I found myself just sitting there in the truck staring out the front windshield at the neon lights that hung above the club door.  I had been driving for hours trying multiple times to clear my head and make some semblance of normality out of everything that has happened this weekend but I had yet to make any headway. 

I even spent some time down by the lake hoping that would help.  Hell, I don’t what I was expecting, a taking deer to come out and tell me just how bad my life was messed up.  No, I wanted some answers and it was infuriating not being able to come up with any.  If I only knew why Heather left in the first place, then I maybe I would have an idea of where I should go from here.  That was going to be a lost cause from the get go, if she didn’t even tell me she was going to leave in the first place I can just about bet she won’t answer that question for me now.

Life had been going so good, I mean really good with the way things were with me and Ella.  I had finally found a way to move on and was actually making waves for a possible future before Heather made a reappearance.   The arrival of her on my front doorstep has thrown a monkey wrench into my fairly easy going life, one hell of a monkey wrench indeed, I snorted at the mocking thought.

The first time that I laid my eyes on her that night in my front yard anger roared to the fore front remembering how she had just up’ed and left me.  But then, after a long moment, seeing her sweet  face with the lips of an angel and then seeing her so unsure of herself, another emotion arose.  One lined with the love that we once shared and now every time I look at her I feel that one-two sucker punch of emotion.  The anger, then the lost love.

Then there is darling little Ella.  I know for a fact that I feel something for her, but it’s no where near as strong as what Heather and I once shared.  With some time, it could be though, I can feel that deep inside of me.

“Aagggh” I groaned out loud.  My brain is fried, my head is still screwed up and my baby sister is getting married tomorrow to my best friend.  I need a drink to take some of the edge off. I don‘t want to think anymore.  Life happens, shit happens and all we can do is live it and then deal with it.  I will walk Bailey down the aisle tomorrow, give her away and then let fate just sort the rest out. 

But, right now, I‘m going to get a little blitzed.  I think after the last twenty-four hours that I have had that I deserve to lose myself in some good old fashioned Jack and in the meantime I can just watch everyone else’s screwed up life for a change and forget all about mine for once.

With that being said I stepped out of the truck and strode towards the club.  As soon as I walked in the door a dark haired chick with skimpy clothing zeroed in on me.

“Hey there stud- You want to play fireman, we can stop, drop and roll” she said trailing her ruby red manicured finger across my chest.

Now, several months ago I would have jumped at the broads offer but not now.  I have my hands full enough with two chicks and I‘m not about to invite any more trouble willingly.

“Look” I told her and removed her hand from chest.  “I’m not interested, okay.”

She arched her perfectly painted eyebrows and then scoffed at me, “Humph, your loss” she stated and then turned on her heel and strutted away from me.  Man, “women” I muttered to myself and rubbed tiredly at my eyes, “can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”

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