Chapter 11

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Alex could feel the vibrations of the thumping music before he even got out of Lacey's car. She'd picked him up bright and early the following Friday night to go to Tyler's annual out-of-control birthday party.

And, as usual, it hadn't been Ty's idea, but rather his older brother's. He was convinced his only brother was too quiet and shy. Unluckily for Michael, no amount of crazy house parties would ever break Tyler out of his shell in front of people who weren't his friends, but that never stopped him from throwing one every year anyway, in hope.

People stood about talking and laughing in groups in the front garden. The large oak door was wide open, framing the scene indoors. Lacey pulled Alex inside by the arm, flicking her blonde curls behind her, and pulling at the bottom of the navy dress she was wearing.

Inside was much worse than outside, with random people passed out on the stairs, and couples sucking each other's faces off in the shadows. Before the accident, Alex had enjoyed Ty's birthday parties every year; he would always tell his best friend to just unwind and make the most of them. But things were different now. Alice had been killed by a drunk driver returning home from a house party, and somehow, Alex couldn't quite bring himself to drink himself to oblivion again.

What if he somehow destroyed someone's life like his had been destroyed? What if, by losing control, he became the reason for someone losing their life?

His phone vibrated in his pocket, bringing him out of his thoughts as quickly as he'd fallen into them. He had a text message from Tyler, telling them to both come up to his bedroom when they arrived. He showed the screen to Lacey instead of attempting to say something as the music was too loud to speak over.

Together they made their way through the crowd, calling out hellos to people that recognised them. They walked up the stairs quietly, tip-toeing to avoid anyone following them, since Tyler didn't like random party-goers wandering into the bedrooms. Last year it had taken ages to clean out all the spilt alcohol from the plush red carpet, and they didn't want a repeat of that. Lacey knocked impatiently on the ivory door in the corner of the hallway, and pounced on Tyler the second he opened it.

"Let the birthday boy breathe, Lacey!" Alex heard a familiar voice call out while laughing. He looked up in shock as Kalila waved at him from the desk she was sitting on. What was she doing here?

He looked around, observing the people in the room, thankful that the walls were thick enough to block out most of the music so he could at least hear himself think. Kalila was sitting on Tyler's computer desk, clad in a violet dress down to her knees, and gold heels. Her hair was loose, and she was grinning, having been talking to Tyler just before they had walked in.

After blushing from them screaming out happy birthday wishes, Tyler turned around to introduce the unfamiliar girl and boy who were sitting on the bed and smiling apprehensively. They were clearly related, with similar features and the exact same smile.

"Uhm, guys, this is Cameron and his cousin, Hannah."

Lacey practically skipped over, excited to finally meet the boy Tyler had told her so much about. Alex just stood there and observed them as they spoke animatedly. Although he still found it weird that his best friend – the boy who'd blushed all day after getting his first kiss from Sophie Martins when they were eleven – was gay, he could see why Tyler would be attracted to him.

Cameron had darkish skin, almost russet in colour, and messy black hair with almond-shaped eyes and dimples. He looked more like he belonged on TV in a popular boy band that had girls swooning left right and centre, than casually sitting on Tyler's bed without a care in the world. The girl, Hannah, looked a lot like him, but with much lighter skin, like a drop of milk in a cup of coffee. She smiled and nudged her cousin forward towards Alex, who shook his hand.

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