Chapter 23

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Alex kicked through the pile of clothes on his floor but he still couldn't find anything to wear. It was 31st December, the day of Lacey's annual New Year's party and as usual it would be a huge deal. Alice and Lacey would normally spend months in advance planning it together, always making it the best party of the entire year and Alex knew Lacey would try extra hard this time. It would be her first party without his sister and he knew she'd make it as amazing as possible in her memory.

Tyler had offered to help this year and where Ty went, Cameron was sure to follow, along with Hannah who would come with Kalila who would drag Emma along. Alex couldn't help the huge smile on his face when he thought of that. Although the sharp pang of grief could still be felt in his chest when he thought of his sister, he knew with absolute certainty she would love all his new friends; crazy antics and all. He knew that they'd make today great and one thing was for sure, this party would be one to remember.


"Shit," he cursed out loud, rummaging through his wardrobe. He still wasn't ready and he was getting late. Miraculously he managed to spot a brand new pair of jeans alongside a matching blue t-shirt with an anchor on it amongst all the crap in there. Although he couldn't remember where they had come from, Alex sent a silent thank you up to the heavens and pulled them on, ripping the tags off with his teeth.

Once he looked presentable, he sped out of his house and ran through the dark alleyway behind his flats which led towards Lacey's house. Even if he had never been there before, there was no doubt that he would know exactly which house was hers with just one glance. The road seemed to hum with the vibrations of the music and along with the flashing lights, it was obvious a party was in full swing. But the difference between Lacey's parties and every other one he had ever been to was entirely in the atmosphere.

Despite the fact that her parents were quite strict, they let her host the New Year's party every year as they knew she wouldn't let it get wildly out of hand. The neighbours wouldn't complain because although her music was loud, it wasn't obnoxiously so and the attendees would behave themselves. Alex knew Lacey would invite almost everyone in the school regardless of their social status and it was perhaps because of this that she was so respected. It seemed that nobody ever got too drunk or passed out or made a huge mess at any of her parties and that was the amazing thing.

Everybody just loved her.

Instinctively Alex raised a hand to knock on the door but it swung open of its own accord, Cameron standing behind it chattering with a couple of girls including Melissa. They flicked their hair and pursed their lips and Alex couldn't help stifling a chuckle when he saw the way they hung on to his every word even though he seemed to want to get away. It was obvious that Cameron was the kind of guy that could pick up girls without even trying but this was the same guy who was in a relationship with his best friend after all. His best male friend.

"Hey Cam!" he called out in an attempt to distract them enough to save Tyler's boyfriend. 'Man that still sounds weird,' he thought to himself before walking forward to say hi to everyone he knew. He spoke to Cam and a girl from his History class for a while – trying to ignore the glares Melissa was sending him for ignoring her – until he decided to go find his other friends.

Pushing through the crowds of people, he managed to spot them all standing in a circle against Lacey's bedroom door. Both he and Cameron slowly made their way over to them; having to stop every few seconds to call out hellos to people they knew.

"There you are!" Lacey beamed at Alex when she spotted him. "For a second there, I thought you wouldn't show."

They all chatted for a while, cracking jokes and reminiscing over things that had happened in the year. As Tyler was telling the story of how he had met Cameron, Alex shuffled over slightly until he was standing opposite Kalila. She tugged on her green dress a little as he leant over and almost whispered to her. "Remember how we met?"

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