chapter two

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Pic of Rikki ~~~~>


*beep beep*

What the hell is that? Why do I feel like I've been run over by a truck? Where am I? All these questions were running through my mind and sadly I didn't know the answer to any of them

*beep beep*

There goes that annoying sound again. I tried to move my arm around to find the source of the sound but my arm felt heavy I couldn't move it so I just gave up. Next I tried opening my eyes it took some time but I finally did it only to be greeted by a blinding white light. Shutting them tightly for a while I opened them up again taking in my surroundings the place was surrounded by white curtains, white walls and a bunch of medical wires, oh duh I'm in a hospital. Wait! a hospital how did I get here?

As I was in my thinking zone there door opened revealing a lady in a light blue uniform so I'm guessing she is a nurse. She was humming and coming to the IV in my arm completely oblivious that I am awake. Clearing my throat loud enough to hear she freezes and looks up at me with wide eyes and runs out my room. Well that wasn't weird at all.

"Hello miss I am doctor Spencer. I would like to ask you a few questions then some test is that okay." I nod my head in reply "Do you remember your name and how old you are?"

I was deep in thought replaying some memories I remember "yes, my name is Kelly Marie Kade and 16"

"okay good. Miss Kade do you re.." I cut him off waving my hand around

"No need to be formal Dr. Spencer. call me Kelly." he laughs

"Miss Ka... I mean Kelly do you remember what happened that caused you to be in put in the hospital?" I frowned and shook my head

"No I don't."

he sighed "Well by the story we got you got in a pretty serious hit and run. You got multiple wounds to the head and cuts here and there. Also four fractured ribs and were in a coma for about a week and a half. To tell you the truth we are very surprised you survived the crash with that many amount of injuries. Well that's all for now you have a visitor so I will leave you for a while but come back so we can run some test"

I wonder who my visitor is most likely my parents so I waited laying back down in the uncomfortable bed waiting for them to come in.

*knock knock*

"come in" I told whoever it was. I saw locks of long blond hair and a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. "RIKKI!!!! hurry up I was waiting to see if you would visit me"

"Hey Kelly" Something was off about her I can already see it by the way she was looking at me

"What's wrong? something looks off about you" In her eyes I can see something flash fast but I noticed. Regret. I hope she isn't blaming herself for what happened to me. Next thing I know is that I'm in a bone crushing hug and my hospital gown is getting soaked. Great she's crying.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-it's all m-my fault. If I didn't call you, y-you wouldn't have e-ended the call and would've been paying attention to the road." rolling my eyes I hug her back trying to calm her down

"Its not your fault boo. It was the other car fault. so calm your self okay." She hiccups and nods wiping away her stray tears. "So anyhow what's the 411?"

she shifts on the small bed sitting Indian style looking all happy and junk. "Okay so in school since you missed about 2 weeks you have a lot of work to catch up on, but me being the amazing friend I am did it all for you but you just need to look over the notes so you have an idea on what "you" have done. Also Brendon and Alyssa broke up but we all knew they were bound too sooner or later. We have a new student at school I forgot his name but he's hot and Emmett says you need to hurry your ass up 'cause he misses you."

"Sounds like I missed out a lot speaking of my brother why didn't he come? most likely working am I right?" she nods her head enthusiastically. I smile and let out a laugh

"Hoe calm down or else your head will fall off." she frowns but stops. We started talking about random stuff laughing, talking, and being are dumb selves. I actually forgot we were in a hospital that is until Dr. Spencer came in and ruined all the fun

"I'm sorry to interrupt your fun fest but Kelly has to do some test and get some rest afterward." Rikki and I both whined causing the doctor to laugh. "Don't worry you two Kelly would be able to check out tomorrow then you can have your little fest."

We both nod smiling and hugging each other. Just before Rikki leaves she whispers in my ear "Dr. Spencer is hot. Do you think he'll check me out."

"Dude that's gross and not to mention cheesy he's like 100 years old."

"Hey! I'm only 28" He defended pouting at us. I could feel my face turning crimson with Rikki laughing isn't helping any

"HA HA I'm just joking sir" I said laughing awkwardly and rubbing behind my neck

"Hmm sure. you hurt my feelings Kelly. Okay now off you go miss..?"

"Rikki my name is Rikki." she replied

"Well it was nice meeting you Rikki but you have to get going now." she hops off the bed walking to the door winking at me mouthing something that looks like 'don't have to much fun' point from me to doctor Spencer. Shaking my head I smack my forehead.

"She is something isn't she?" Dr. Spencer says more as a statement rather than a question

"She is" but that crazy son of a gun is my best friend in the word I don't know what I would do without her I thought.

"Ready to do your final test?"

"nope but it seems that I don't have a choice"

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