chapter three

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two gorgeous guys on the side Emmett & Chase ~~~~~>


"so how does it feel to finally be out?"

"to be honest I don't think I could be happier. But I did like how the staff would do what I asked I'm going to miss that, one thing I'm not though is the cafeteria food that stuff is disgusting." I said with a disgust face and this weird spasm looking dance

"well you're out now thats all that matters"

"true, so do you know if my parents are back yet?" Rikki shook her head

"Nah thats why I had to check you out of there, they said they will be back in two weeks. And Emmett said he had to work." you see my parents are in the traveling business my mom is flight attendant and my dad a photographer they go everywhere together so they are barley home. Probably the only time they were with me is when I was born to like five years old after that me and my bro would stay with Rikki and her family so basically we are like sisters.

"oh well that's no surprise there" I have to admit I am pretty sad that they weren't there for their only daughter that was put in a hospital

"you don't sound to happy what's up?" I looked up at her clearly seeing worried in her eyes . I sighed

"I just find it messed up that I was put in the hospital possibly could've been dead and they still wouldn't care. But don't get me wrong I love staying over with you. And as for Emmett I understand he has always been like a parent and bro to me." she nods in understanding

"Don't let that bring you down though. They will come around someday. Plus you got me and my parents here for you any day."

I smiled and hugged her "thanks boo"

"Anytime. Now enough of this emotion junk and lets go see that gorgeous new neighbor of yours." she grabs my hand pulling me to her car to get home.

"way to ruin the moment Rikki" she laughs waving her hand in dismiss


"Is that little miss Kade I see?"

"EMMETT!!" I called up to my bestest brother. I run into his stretched arms and hug him like my life depended on it. Or at least tried my arms are still weak from the IV's "I missed you so much. Why didn't you visit me"

"I missed you too squirt. And I did visit you but you were in your coma stage still. Anyways how are you"

"I'm fine now and alive so all good" nodding his head we head into my house but I have a strange feeling of being watched. I look around and my eyes land on a particular guy sitting on his front porch watching me. Trying my best to ignore him I turn to Rikki "who's he?" I ask tilting my head in the direction of him

"Oh that's your new neighbor I told you about your goin to have to introduce yourself soon."

"yeah I will later right now I just want to hang with my two awesome people." after we hung out for a couple of hours Emmett left to a friends house it was just me and Rikki

"So you want to go meet the new neighbor now?"

"sure but something doesn't seem quite right about him I don't know what it is."

"If it's his drop dead good looks that your talking about then of course that's not right it should be illegal to look like that and Emmett his looks should be illegal too."

"don't start fantasizing about guys you don't even know he could be like a stalker or something. As for Emmy you should tell him how you feel."

"I'm not don't worry. I don't want to ruin our friendship plus he might already like someone but its a different story for the new guy. if your picking up what I'm putting down." she was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up. And i don't think he does we tell eachother everything. and how do you do that eyebrow thing? its weird yet cool."

"It's a skill now lets go."

"wait! Shouldn't we bring like a cake or something?" I asked

"who do you think we are good neighbors" she joked I stopped right were I was and looked at her "ughh you're so annoying fine let's go get a muffin or something from the store."


We were heading back to the neighborhood with a mini chocolate cake in hand to give to the new family on the block. As we were walking up to their house I saw a middle aged women watering a garden. She must've heard us coming because she turned off the water and turned to me and Rikki smiling.

"Hello ladies what can I do for you?"

"Hello my friend here told me you moved in while I was... out of town for a while so here is a late welcoming gift. Also my name is Kelly and this is Rikki." after our little greeting with eachother Mrs. Evers (new neighbor) invited is in for dinner.

"sorry it's messy in here we still haven't put everything in it's place just yet. And I didn't expect visitors to come" mrs. Evers confessed looking embarrassed. "Chase! Come down stairs we have visitors!"

Rikki started smacking my arm oviously excited about something "That's him the new hot guy omg I'm going to meet him."

"yeah mom. who's here now?" this "hot" Chase guy asked I turned around and I now knew what Rikki was talking about he was gorgeous.

"This honey is Rikki and Kelly." he turned nodding his head in acknowledgement. Wow rude much. I could feel Rikki clearly exciting by his move just by the way she was gripping my arm. "No need to be rude introduce yourself" I looked back at Chase to see him staring intensely at me I shift feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey I'm Chase" he stuck out his hand to shake. After we introduced eachother once again we started talking and eating having a great time. Now it was time to say goodbye Rikki and I left.

"I am never washing this hand again" Rikki gushed looking at her right hand. I laugh smacking her lightly

"That's gross. And quit acting like a middle schooler you're a 17 year old junior act like it."

"you're no fun" she complains I sent daggers to her "fine, okay just stop with the eyes. But did you see the way he was looking at you he obviously thinks you're hot. Damn you lucky son of a gun"

"I don't know maybe. just go home we have school tomorrow. Night Rikki" we bid our goodbyes giving eachother one last hug and go our separate ways.

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