chapter six

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Special thanks to 1DHazE3 for making me an amazing cover, this is dedicated to you:D

I would also like to thank everybody who is reading this story it means a lot to me (no lie) so yeah this chapter may be lame but I promise the story wont be a disappointment. ENJOY! loves:3


After getting home from the park Rikki was already in my room going through my closet of dresses. I rolled my eyes at her act, saying a quick hello I headed to my bathroom to take a quick shower, when I was done I wrapped a towel around my body and started to blow dry my hair.

"YO! Kelly hurry up I don't have all day to wait for you." Rikki yelled over the noise, I turned off the hair dryer putting it back in the shelf, sighing I opened the door.

"There you happy now?" she nodded "okay well have you got a dress you like?"

"as a matter of fact I brought my own dress this time and I brought you one too" she said handing me a black and white lace ruffle dress. "so care to explain why you want to go to the party? You never like going out?" she questioned watching me with curious eyes. I didn't reply which I guess gave her a hint why I wanted to go. "it's a guy isn't it? Aw my boo is growing up! Who is the guy?" she gushed out and pulled me into a big hug and ruffled my hair.

" hey! I was fixing that now I have to do it all over again!" I turned away from her glaring at her in my mirror. "Logan" I mumbled quietly hopefully she didn't hear me. She squealed clearly excited by my answer so i guess she did, and I swear to you I saw my window brake a bit by how high she went. I'm telling you girl has some lungs.

"OMG! see I knew you always liked him, I'm such a beast when it comes to these types of things." she bragged and went on about how she knew and stuff like that. I blocked out what she was saying and continued to get ready. About 20 minuets or so later we were both completely ready to head out, and if I do say so myself we both look pretty hot. We headed downstairs so we can say our goodbyes to Emmett. I walked into the living room seeing my lazy brother sprawled onto the couch watching Supernatural. I rolled me eyes but smiled to myself as I thought of a plan that would hopefully scare him. Turning to look at Rikki she gave me the ' what the hell are you doing' look I put my finger over my lips and  pointed to my brother, she nodded and put an evil smile of her own heading to the opposite side of the couch. we counted silently.




We both nodded our heads and was about to yell BOO! but Emmett beat us to it.

"AHHHH!!" Rikki and I screamed at the same time when Emmett backfired the boo on us. He started busting out laughing and ended up falling on the floor. I glared at him while Rikki kicked him on the side.

"Damn what the hell was that for?" he whined giving Rikki an evil glare, pausing the TV. She didn't answer so I decided to speak up.

"How did you know we were gonna scare you?" I really did wonder we were super quiet not even the creak from the floor sounded as we were tip toeing. He pointed to the TV, I looked at him waiting to explain what the TV had to do with anything.

He let out a very dramatic sigh and muttered what sounded like 'women'. "I saw your glares on Deans shirt. and me being well myself decided to play along. and never mess with me when I'm watching my show." he sat back down and played the show. he looked at us and paused the show again "Where the hell are you guys going?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"A party duh. now we are going to go now alright bye Emmett." Rikki said walking out the door. I turned to Emmy to find him staring at me. He shook his head pulling me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Next time ask before you go places alright" I nodded and apologized "Okay good now whose party is it?"

"a friend. I'll borrow Rikki's phone if I stay at her house." I was getting out of his grasp only to be pulled back in. I looked up at him and saw him smiling and taking something out of his pocket. I looked down and saw a IPhone 5. "you got me a phone!" I yelled happily.

"No, its mine you crazy girl" I put my head down in disappointment. he lifted my face to look at him and he flicked my nose. "kidding. here its yours." handing it to me I got on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hurry up woman I don't have all day!" Rikki yelled from outside. i turned back to Emmett giving him  one last hug.

"Thanks Emmy. I have to go now as you can see, bye." I walked out the door and put the phone in Rikki's face. "Be jealous." she ripped the phone from my hand, and gawked at the contraption.

"You lucky hoe bag. when did you get this and didn't tell me about it?"

I shrugged "Emmett just got it for me." 

"Well now you can give Chase your number." she suggested. I laughed and blushed a little. "but first you have to text me so I can have it." remembering her number I texted her.

"There all done.." looking out the window I saw so many cars I knew we were here. I couldn't help but feel nervous about this.

"Chill out Kelly you'll be fine just have fun and let loose."

"easy for you to say" I muttered she punched me in the arm. " what was that for." I asked rubbing my arm where she hit me, she ignored me. getting out of the car I followed her into the beach house to join the party.

I looked around taking in my surroundings. "Typical high school party" I mumbled to myself. And it was, there was blaring music going on, couples making out, people air humping each other and last but not least the plastic red cups filled with alcoholic drinks. "So what do you want to do first?" I said turning to look at Rikki but guess what she was gone. Sighing I looked around to see if I could find the ditching girl I called my bestfriend, I found her dancing with some random stranger eyeing her like she was delicious ice-cream. I shook my head and headed out to the back yard to get some fresh air. I wondered where Logan was, he told me to meet him here and I cant even find him. Leaning on the balcony I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, dipping my hand into the water feeling the warmness of it everything was so peaceful. or should I say was peaceful until some douche decided to scare the hell out of me causing me to fall into the ocean.

"what the hell is your problem?" I said angrily when I reached the surface. wiping my face to get rid of water that threatened to fall into my eyes I opened them up again to see Logan looking down at me with a look of worried, shock, and amusement. "so can you help me back up? I really don't feel like being shark food today" I asked putting my hand out so he can pull me up. He shook his head grabbing my hand lifting me up smoothly.

"I'm so sorry Kelly I didn't mean to scare you so hard to make you fall into the water." he said looking at me apologetically. "Here take my sweater so you don't get sick." without waiting for a response he wraps it around me he smiles causing me to do the same.

"Thanks Logan." he nods his head looking out into the ocean. For a couple of minuets we were in a comfortable silence until he decided speak.

"So Kelly can I ask you a question" he asked looking at me. I smirk.

"you just did." he rolls his eyes  "okay fine. what's your question?" I asked turning back to face the water.

"umm okay well I was thinking, you know if you would want to be my girlfriend?" he said. hearing the word "girlfriend" in his sentenced caused me to look at him. and aww he was blushing I just wanted to pinch his cheeks. "but if you don't want to I totally understand. its fine if you don't but ye.." I grab his face to make him face me, cutting him off of his rambling.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Logan." I answered smiling like an idiot. He let out a sigh of relief bringing me into a hug.

"Thank you so much Kellz."

Just then we heard a loud crash of glass breaking from inside. Looking at one another Logan grabbed my hand rushing inside to see. Let me tell you the glass wasn't a little lamp or cup falling, no it was lamps, picture frames, and a little coffee table. "Oh My Gosh!! My mom is going to kill me! Everybody time to go! Leave please!" some girl said her voice cracking, her eyes filled with tears.  Saying a quick goodbye to Logan I set off to find Rikki and drag her home.

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