chapter five

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The video on the side has nothing to do with this chapter, idk why but I thought it was hilariousXD


"what is he doing here?" I ask Emmett not breaking eye contact with the guy infront of me. I have to admit I never liked brown eyes on guys they are just so plain (not hating on guys with brown eyes I actually like them) but on him they were amazing but the way I always find him starting at me freaks me out like when Jasper in twilight first met Bella he looked like he wanted to eat her, yeah that's how this dude stares at me.

"nice to see you too." he sarcastically says. I probably look like a crazy fangirl right now just looking at him, but I can't find myself looking away. I swear I have seen him before and not in a very nice place.

"hello earth to Kelly. You still there" Emmett was waving his hand in my face I didn't even notice I zoned out and went into my own little world.

"huh, what? Oh sorry. What were you saying." I turned to look at my brother and there was something in his eyes I couldn't read out but it seemed like he's mad. Hmm I wonder why.

He sighed "I was saying that Chase is going to be going with us. Since his car wouldn't start this morning he asked." I nod

"well let's get this show on the road." I tell them and head out the door first


"Alright see ya squirt I'll pick you up after school?" Emmett says in a question rather than a statement

"umm actually can i go to the park after. just to chill and get my mind cleared." I asked hopeful making puppy eyes. Trust me it works every time.

"No" I stand corrected. My eyes widen and my mouth pops open. He never denies the eyes. He must have a fever or something, note to self check his temperature when I get home.

"b-but why not? Pleaseeeeeee! With a cherry on top." I grab his hand begging. I know Chase is here and I'm acting like a complete moron infront of him but something is seriously wrong with Emmy he always lets me do whatever.

"If your afraid to leave her alone I'll go with her." Chase volunteers

"no it's fine you don't need to go with her." he says quick almost to quick "Here just take my phone and call me when you're done "clearing your mind" whatever that means okay. As for you Chase I'll be here when school ends your mom put me in charge of you." Emmett takes out his Galaxy S3 handing it over to me. I give him a bone crushing hug and kiss him on the cheek.

"Maybe if you just buy me a phone I wouldn't have to use yours hint, hint. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. tickle, tickle." I said to him giving him clues to buy me my own phone. I continued "but thanks you're the best big brother ever."

"considering I'm your only brother then of course I'm the best. Now go before I change my mind or you'll be late" I give one last hug and walk out the car heading towards the building. I hear chase muttering something that sounds like "stupid mom. I'm 17 I don't need a babysitter blah blah blah" I don't know what he said after that. I smiled and went the opposite way as him to go hunt down Rikki.

"hey Kelly I saw that you got out of the car with Chase is there something you want to tell me?" I look at her like she's crazy shutting my locker door.

"uh no. There's nothing going on between us if that's what your asking. I still don't trust that guy, and this morning in the car I caught him staring at me the whole entire time it looked like he wanted to eat me. Talk about stalker." I said. Me and Rikki were making our way through the crowded hallway to our first block class which was AP American history.

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