Spank Me

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"Daniel if I have to go to another one of these meetings I'm going to kill someone." I whine smoothing out the wrinkles in my pencil skirt.

"Elle please, you're my beta I need you so suck it up."

"You don't understand! It's hard being nice to other Alphas. They have this dumb cocky, he-man thing going on."

"He-man?" He snorts.

"Yeah." I shrug. "The whole 'I have the power' bit."

He laughs heartily patting my shoulder, "You keep me laughing. I'm glad you're stuck with me."

"Yay for me." I grumble as we walk into the meeting hall to mingle with the other meat heads.

My alpha-Daniel- is the only alpha I know of without a stick up his ass. All these other guys are into controlling shit and driving everyone nuts. As if a pack can't manage without fear, our pack is doing fine.

Alpha Daniel and I have been friends since our diapers days. His dad was my dad's beta but, I decided to decline becoming the next Alpha.

I just wanted to be free and roam through states care free. Of course Daniel decided that the only way he'd be Alpha was if I stayed. Sneaky bastard knows he's the only person I trust. So here I am.

He's a good fit for the position, Danny is down to earth and handles situations better.

He's a bad negotiator though and that's where I come in handy. Alphas don't like hearing 'no'..ever.

My dad was not thrilled with my hand over but he was glad I put the responsibility in the right ones. Unfortunately illness took my old man out and my mom soon followed.

Danny's parents moved to Russia. Why there? Who the hell knows, they're retired so I guess they can do what they want.

We scanned the area for our favorite place,"Bar 9 O'clock." He taps me pointing.

We scurry over getting shots downing one after the other. Whoever is hosting this meeting right now obviously hasn't been to an actual one. They normally aren't like this at all.

"Who's behind this meeting?"

"Um a new guy."

"Ooh fresh blood." I giggle. "That explains alot, trying to get in our good graces."

"Our? No Elle you mean your good graces, everyone wants to please you." He jokes.


My daddy had the strongest and longest reign over a pack for decades. Nobody fucks with Pure Alphas or our Pureblood packs. We're few but we're powerful, oldest lineage equals high respect.

I'm pretty much royalty but like I said I just want to lay low and help out when necessary, not really into running shit.

"Rumor has it this alpha is a Pure too."

"Oh well then we should recruit him to be one of our allies."

"Exactly what I was thinking." Daniel takes another shot before pulling me to a group of meat heads to discuss business. Boring financial statuses, housing, taxes, bullshit.

The alpha running this event comes through the double doors with his beta trailing behind. Neither of these guys look like they ever say no to the gym.


Everyone falls silent as he enters bowing their head in respect. Except for me, I don't bow to any man. I'm in charge dammit.

The alpha looks at me a small smile creeping across his face, "You." He points singling me out.


Bad Dog, Submissive MateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt