Touch Me

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"Danny ew no, hell no I'm not wearing that! I'm meeting his parents not going to the club." I scold tossing the red skimpy dress back in my closet.

There's no way in hell I'm going to look trashy at this event. I already have on lacy underwear and bra. And those are for J's eyes only.

I don't even know why I asked Daniel to help me get dressed. He can't even get his own shit to match!

"You're hopeless Elle, we've been through your whole closet and you've said no to everything."

So I'm picky, but I want to make a good first impression.

Danny lays across my clothes covered bed shutting his eyes, "I give up. Just wear nothing."

"I second that idea." J stands in my doorway looking very handsome in his black suit.


"Aaand that would be my cue to leave. You love birds have fun I have work to do." Danny scurries off closing my door.

What a big help he was.

"Sooo." I draw out.

J loosens his tie down, taking off his jacket. "I came to make good on my promise."

Oooh that.

I grin placing my hands on my hips as he walks over to me. "I do faintly recall a punishment I never received for foul language."

He nods with a mischievous grin on his face, "Mhm."

He plays with the hem of my t-shirt before pulling it over my head. Then unclaspsing my bra he tosses it to the side.

I bite my lip as the cool air hardens my nipples, "J I-"

"Shh babygirl, I just want to look at you." He raises my hands over my head backing us up against the wall. "Don't move them ok?"

I nod; heart beating against my chest.

Parting my legs J slowly inches my shorts and underwear off. He takes a few steps back crossing his arms.

Immediately I become self conscious trying to cover myself but he grabs my wrists holding them in place above my head.

"I said don't.move."

My lips part at the warmness of his body against mine, "J." I breathe.

The man hasn't even touched me yet and I'm already puddy.

He runs his lips across the column of my neck kissing me, hands caressing my body.

He doesn't kiss my lips but hovers over them chuckling,"Do you want me babygirl?"

I shut my eyes as his hands trail below my waist. "Stop torturing me." I moan.

"Ah ah Elle." He presses his finger to my lips. "I'm the boss right now."

Yeah fucking right.

"Like hell you are." I breathe as his fingers tickle the lips of my kitty.

Achingly slow he rubs my bud, "Mmm J." Reaching for his arms trying to force his fingers in me he pulls away.

"I told you not to move." He snaps. "Get on the bed."

Scrunching my face I trudge to the bed knocking all my clothes to the floor.

"I give you an inch and you want to take a mile." I grumble earning me a smack on the ass.


"Get on all fours." He demands. As I do so he grabs my waist sliding me to the edge of the bed.

Drumming his fingers across my butt cheeks he chuckles, "Babygirl you're dripping all over the place."

Before I can comment he takes me into his mouth swirling his tongue around. My arms buckle but he catches me.

"I must've done something right." J teases before going back hitting that same spot again.

"J p-please." I mew squirming under his touch.

I'm so close to a release and right when it's about to happen he stops.

"That Babygirl, is how you get revenge. When you learn to stop cussing I'll let you cum." With that he unties my wrist kissing my face.

"Are fucking serious right now?" I huff crossing my arms sitting naked on the bed.

"Very serious."

I shrug, "Fine. I'll do it myself."

He grabs my hands laughing, "Don't even think about it. That's not how the game is played and you know it."

Game what game?


He drops my hands, "Which one of these is your underwear drawer?"

"That one." I point. "But what game?"

"For Dominance of course. One of us is going to submit. It won't be me so just go ahead and let Alpha take care of you."

I scoff sliding off the bed snatching the underwear set he picked out. "Listen Alpha, I won't be the one to cave but nice try."

"You sure? I almost had you just now, purring like a kitten." He rubs my thighs resting his head against mine.

I'm tempted to kick him in the shin for doing this to me but I have a far more diabolical plan.

He'll be begging me tonight after this dinner to have sex. I'm going to show him who's really Alpha around here.


I'm so nervous right now! I don't even know what I can say or do for this to go smoothly.

I guess nothing. J opens the passenger door helping me out of the car.

"Relax babygirl, they won't kill you. Though I will warn you that my mom will ask questions. Lots of questions."


I bite my lip nervously as we mount the steps to his house. A million thoughts race in my mind. I just want to get this over with.

What are they going to say about an Alpha who's given up that role voluntarily? Will they think I'm weak? Lazy? Irresponsible?

J squeezes my hand reassuringly smiling down at me, "Elle, it won't be that bad. Just be yourself."

I blow a breath out as he opens the front door. The house is buzzing with excitement. The maids scurry past us all giddy over me.

"Luna! It's the Luna she's here!" They squeal bowing before continuing with their work.

"Why are they acting like this? I've been here before."

J laughs rubbing the small of my back leading me away. "The first time you came it was late, no one works past ten o'clock. To them this is the first time you've been here."

"Oh...this is awkward." I scowl.
"Are your parents here yet? I feel like they should be more excited over them."

We stop infront of white double doors. J turns to me kissing me gingerly on the lips. "They've been here. They've been waiting for you."

That kiss calmed me for a few seconds but his little announcement just now has me back on edge.

"What!?" I squeak. "How come we didn't get here sooner? Why didn't you say that earlier?" Slapping his arm he chuckles kissing me again.

"Chill babygirl, they won't be mad."

"Good because even if they are, I'm blaming you."

Pushing the doors open he grabs a hold of my hand kissing it as we enter the grand dining area where his parents are waiting.

Shit's about to get real.

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