This Means War

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Lastnight was amazing. There is no other way to describe it. I'm glad I let it happen.

I roll over on the bed to face J. He's wide awake staring at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask pulling the covers over my chest.

"You submitted last night, I knew you would." He says cockily smoothing his hand over my cheek.

I smack his hand away frowning, "Bullshit.. All of that happened because I wanted it to."

He laughs wrapping his arms around me pulling me to his chest.

"Keep telling yourself that Elle. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

We lock eyes and I can't help but to kiss him. We fight for dominance and of course I gain the upper hand because duh I'm top dog.

After our make out session we both climb lazily from the bed getting ready for our day.

"J you do realize your induction is coming up right?"

He stops mid brush of his teeth to nod, "Yeah about damn time."

"So um what does that all entail?"

I knew it! He didn't study.

"Jayden because you are an Alpha and I'm an Alpha by birth our packs will become one. We share a combination of land now, our powers are equal. Should your pack go to war we're right there with you and vice versa."

He buttons up his shirt still smiling like an idiot. "So we'll all be one big happy family? What if our packs don't like the customs of the other?"

Furrowing my eyebrows I try to think of anything we could butt heads on but nothing comes to mind.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Elle in my pack the men are always superior to the women. "

"Then explain your mother." I snort lacing up my boots.

"My dad lets that women do what she wants yes, but for show around our elders she's as docile as a deer."

Is he serious right now?

"So what I'm supposed to be all cute and innocent while you play the big tough guy? Your elders can go fuck themselves." I growl storming out of the room slamming the door.

"Babygirl." J catches up to me grabbing my hand. "I don't want you to change to please them."

"Good because like I said they can go fuck their selves."

He chuckles kissing my forehead, "Just uh tone it down a little bit."

"Fuck you Jayden no I will not."

"Oh c'mon Elle you stepped away from being Alpha. I don't see why this is any different."

"That's not fair Jayden and you know it. Those are not even similar situations."

"Elle if you don't then you'll be forcing my hand. I'll have to assert my authority."

I push him away bearing my teeth, " Is that a challenge?"


"Fine if you win I'll play your little bullshit role but if I win. You tell your elders to suck it."

His smile never falters from his face. He nods walking away from me.

"You're an asshole Jayden." I call.

He doesn't say anything, doesn't even acknowledge I said anything at all. Which just pisses me off more.

How dare he even mention that to me. How dare it even cross his mind for me to play a roll lower to that of the standards of an Alpha.

Even though I'm technically not the Alpha.

The thought makes me want to punch myself. The one thing that might help my case, I gave up.

Still they should know who my pack is. Those rules don't apply here. Men and women alike can be dominate.

I'm all for respecting them but you have to show me respect as well.

I dial Danny's number, he picks up on the third ring. "Hey did you guys forget the rehearsal for Induction?"

Shoot yeah I did.

Wrapped up in being angry with J it totally slipped my mind. Not that it matters much; I don't want to be around that douche canoe right now.

"Sorry Daniel we're gonna have to reschedule. Me and J got in a fight so I'm not speaking to him at the moment."

"Seriously." Daniel grumbles. "You guys just made up, what's the problem this time?"

"Have you ever heard of men being superior over their mate? Like me and J for us to please his Elders or whatever they have to see me as lower to J."

"That law is about as outdated as they are. How stupid of them." Daniel seethes over the phone.

"Exactly Danny I swear I wanted to punch a hole in J for even thinking I would play a damn trophy wife. That's exactly what I'd be a dumb trophy wife."

"Tell me there's a way you guys can get around this little issue?" Danny huffs. I can just see him now gripping the bridge of his nose annoyed.

"Yeah it can be resolved."

"Oh well then why are you all angry?"

"Because Daniel, I have to challenge J in order to prove we're equals."

I've heard and witnessed an upset Daniel but what I'm hearing on the opposite line of this phone call is a higher level livid.

In the background things are being tossed and broken. Guards are shouting for their Alpha to calm down but nothing is working.

The line goes dead and my stomach drops. I might've just started a war between our packs.

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