Be Gentlemen

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The moment that line went dead I immediately regretted calling Danny. He's unpredictable when he's pissed.

Should've just kept my damn mouth shut.

It wasn't even 15 minutes from us hanging up that Daniel comes kicking J's front door down.

"Where the fuck is he?" He growls huffing.

"Daniel please don't, I can handle this."

"Like hell you will. Where is that little shit!?" He barks punching a hole in the wall.

Right on cue J fizzles into the room the picture of cool. "Alpha Daniel what a pleasant surprise." He says dryly.

Daniel wastes no time to launch his self at J tackling him to the ground. They both shift growling and snapping their teeth.

"Daniel please I can handle this!" I shout taking a hold of J's furry head.

He whines in protest at me standing in the way of him getting to Daniel. "Shh." I scold.

"Can't you guys handle this like gentlemen?" J shakes free of my hold shifting back.

"She's right, plus my issue with my mate doesn't concern you Alpha Daniel.. I use that term lightly."

OK taking shots at Danny is not going to work.

"Jayden please." I shake my head gripping the bridge of my nose. "Not nice."

"Careful Alpha Jayden. Elle won't be here to protect you all the time."

My mouth drops and I cross my arms standing next to J. "Holy hell guys are you not listening to me? I said Be Gentlemen not douches."

They both fall silent daring the other to break eye contact. What girls, seriously.

"So." I clap my hands together puckering my lips. "Here's what's going to happen. I am going to challenge you J."

Danny begins to protest, before he can get too carried away I pull him aside.

"Elle don't do this, let me take care of him for you."

"Are you questioning my Father's training of me and you? Have I ever backed down?" He shuts up staring at me.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Then what's the problem?"

He looks away clenching his jaw in frustration. "I just don't want to see my best friend hurt. You're extremely important to me and I don't want you to risk your life potentially on this nonsense."

I soften at his words pulling Danny in to a tight hug. I know this has to be difficult for him but it's just as hard on me. I could very well start a war.

"Danny listen, there is no way around this. What do you want me to do, reject my mate?"

His face lights up a smile growing until J yanks me to his side growling. "MINE. Don't you fucking dare try to convince her to leave me. I'll kill you if she even considers it."

Daniel looks at me shrugging, "It's just an idea."

I shake my head no smirking. "Daniel I am not going to leave my mate. That would be too easy."

"ENOUGH!" J roars tossing me over his shoulder storming out of the room headed for his office.

Daniel laughs in the background saying goodbye but promising to figure a way around me having to fight J.

"It's not fucking funny Elle." He seethes sitting me on his desk boxing me in.

"You aren't seriously considering that as an option?" The worry set in his eyes makes me want to cave but I can't, I'm still pissed about this whole situation.

"Jayden I don't want this to be an option but it isn't a horrible one."

He looks down at my lap shaking his head before glaring into my eyes, "This is it then huh? You'd toss me away because you have an issue with a man being a man!?"

I roll my eyes grabbing his face kissing his full lips. At first he doesn't kiss back but the hungrier I am for a response he kisses back angrily yanking his face away.

I bite my lip watching him pace the room cursing. "J."

He doesn't answer too wrapped up in being angry.

"Jayden." I giggle getting his attention when my T-shirt lands on his head.

He tosses it down staring at me,"What?" He bites.

I motion with my finger for him to come back to me which he does. I wrap my arms around him resting my chin on his chest kissing his.

"Seducing me isn't going to work. First you don't love me and now you're leaving me. On top of that you think it's funny." He leans in to my kisses rubbing small encouraging circles on my back.

"Jayden." I whisper sitting up straight smiling. "I'm not laughing at that. I'm laughing at the temper tantrum you're throwing. I'm not leaving you."

He squints his eyes,"You aren't? "

I shake my head,"No of course not. I couldn't live without you. You're my mate. I like you...alot. Who else is going to put up with my shit except for you? I need you J just as bad as you need me. We're perfect for each other even if we're in a screwed up part of our relationship. "

He beams kissing my lips, "Say it again."

"I need you Jayden." I mumble against his lips.

The tension in the room lightens up, grabbing my shirt from the floor I put it back on.

Just that quick everything goes back to normal. We're an odd couple.

"J I'm still mad at you so you'll be sleeping alone tonight."

He snorts smacking my butt,"That's fine. As long as I wake up and that ass is still here, I don't care."

"Bad dog." I tease. "Oh and tomorrow leave your pride at home. This loss might hurt it."

"If you say so." He shrugs.

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