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I have been flipping through the channels looking for, well I don't really know. I don't even like watching tv but when there is absolutely nothing to do, this is my only entertainment...sorta.

I left J's which he was very pissed about but he'll get over it. He did manage to finally get out of the handcuffs but had to call me to express his anger.

He took too long so I came home. No punishment for me, not like I thought it was going to happen anyway. Even though part of me wished it did.

Danny walks into the den cutting off the tv just when I find a decent show.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Tossing the remote at his head he laughs.

"You'll be okay."

Rolling my eyes I wait for him to continue, "Well what do you want?"

"Go on a patrol with me."

Slump on the couch pouting and furrowing my eyebrows like a little kid. "Do we haaave to?"

He blinks a few times before nodding. "Are you really going to do this today? Do I have to drag you out of here?"

"Uuugh you suck!" I yell still pouting.

"Hate me now love me later, let's move it." He yanks me by the arm dragging me through the house outback.

"So you take the East end and I'll go West. We'll meet at the Southern border."

Stripping out of my clothes I grumble a yes shifting.

Danny pads over to me pawing my side to get me moving before running in the opposite direction.

I wish I never taught him and stressed the importance of patrols. The plan was for me not to be apart of this.

Whining and bitching to myself I trot along looking around and sniffing for unfamiliar scents.

I forgot how beautiful the forest is.

The calming wind ripples through the leaves in the trees. The deeper I go the less sunlight reaches the forest floor. It's a very haunting scene but still beautiful.

I wonder what J is doing right now.

I almost run into a tree just as the thought goes through my mind. What the hell is my problem?

He is nice to look at. I reason with myself.

And he does have an exceptional body. Ohmygod I need to stop.

Losing my footing another wolf springs out at me barking happily waving his tail.

What the hell.

Uninterested in the thing I growl bearing my teeth. Go away.

The black wolf steps forward and I quickly realize it's J.

Even his wolf is gorgeous!

All black with the same green eyes give him an authoritative presence.

I know he expects me to drool over him but that's not fucking happening. I refuse.

Sitting back on my hind legs he circles me sniffing me all over. I don't have time for this.

Ready to bolt out of here he steps in front blocking my escape as if I can't turn around.

I mean if I go back and Danny is waiting for me at the Southern border and I don't show up, he'll totally freak.

J touches his nose to mine. I lick his face so he knows that I accept him. He yips wagging his tail like a horny puppy.

I snort taking off with him close to my right. He speeds up trying to take the lead but the Alpha in me just can't have that.

We end up racing all the way to Danny who is impatiently pacing back and forth holding my clothes in his hands.

"Took you long enough!" He yells tossing my clothes.

"Alpha J." He greets my mate.

Dressed I come back to Danny and J laughing like little girls in love.

"The fuck is so funny?"

"Nothing you nasty drunk you." Danny hiccups trying not to laugh. "You still can't hold your liquor I hear."


Glaring at J he bursts out laughing joined by Danny.

"I hate you both. I leave for five minutes and you guys become instant best friends. I thought you guys hated eachother?"

Danny sobers up wiping the tears from his eyes. "Your misfortune has made us friends." He turns back to J ready to tell a drunk moment I had with him, no way I'm going to let THAT story be repeated.

"OK! Let's talk about something else please." I interrupt grabbing a hold of J's hand.

"Let's go."

He looks at me adoration in his eyes, "Not until Daniel finishes his story."

Really!? What a dick.

Dropping his hand he frowns, "Daniel if you tell this story I will rip your head off." I warn.

Danny smiles and pretends to zip his lips. "You can't undermine your Alpha, Elle."

"No one asked for your two cents J." I bite. He chuckles taking a hold of my hand.

"Why are you here anyway?"

He looks hurt at my harsh tone but quickly recovers. We start walking back towards my house.
Danny leaves us to meet with some of our other men at different check points.

"I was on my way to see you because I have a bone to pick with you."

"You can bone me out here." I shrug.

He snaps his head to me a toothy grin on his stupid face. "Tempting but I'm here for other reasons."

My shoulders sag a bit, "What's up?"

"Elle my parents are coming to visit."

I bite my lip nodding, that's a big deal. Parents are a freaking big deal. Especially parents who were once Alpha and Luna.

"They've gotten word that I found my mate and really want to meet you. Normally if I were to bring you to my house you'd be locked in my room gagged, blindfolded, and tied to my bed."

Yes Jesus yes let it happen just once. One time just so I can get him off my mind.

"Unfortunately that won't happen this time around. I have to behave and so do you."

I chuckle, "We both know I can behave."

"No baby we both know you have a real dominating side. Kinky, don't get me wrong I like it. Just not in front of my parents."

Trust me I wouldn't do that in front of someone's parents.

"J I know how to act. I'm still an Alpha I can carry myself very well."

"That's another thing I've wanted to ask you about, why aren't you Alpha?"

We reach my house taking a seat on the patio. "The plan was to give up my rites to Danny, train him so my pack will still be badass then leave."

"Why didn't you?"

"A few reasons, Danny trapped me. He would only be Alpha if I was his Beta. My dad thought it was a brilliant idea to keep me here. Then my dad died so I stayed because I was hurt. Now you're here."

He beams with pride resting his head against the back of his chair. "I'm glad you stayed. I always wanted my mate. Even if she is a bit of a sexual sadist."

"Shut up." I whisper yell kicking him in the shin.

"Tell the whole world why don't you."

"Never, it's our dirty little secret."

That beautiful creature above is Elle. Thanks for reading! And feedback is welcomed xxAnastasia

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