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I'm not easily intimidated, but in this moment I wanted to be the size of an ant. I wanted to stick my head in the ground. I wanted to implode and cease to exist.

I'm scared as shit.

J pulls out a chair for me next to his mom and then proceeds to sit across from me next to his father.

Awkward sitting situation.

His mom beams at me-in her orange dress that beautifully contrasts against her brown skin-"Well aren't you cute, she's cute Jayden."

Jayden!? His name is Jayden!

"I'm Carla and that fine man sitting over there is my husband Tony." The look she gives the former alpha warms my heart. She's still so in love with him.

Tony nods in my direction smirking. The same damn mischievous smirk J does.

"Ugh boys please I can't take that face you make." Just as I think it Carla says it shuddering. "Definitely father and son."

I giggle as J raises an eyebrow at me winking.

"I guess you already know I'm Elle." I shrug.

"Of course honey, we know who you are. What I'm wondering though is why an Alpha...a female Alpha would not jump at the opportunity?"

"My love, leave her be." Tony interjects apology written on his face. "You don't have to answer that Elle."

I shake my head, "No it's fine, everyone wants to know. I gave it up so I could leave and travel the world with no um well with nothing tying me down."

Carla scrunches her face, "Well you can do that and run a pack."

"That's just it, I don't want to run a pack. I just want to live for me."

"But honey you're playing Beta to someone who should be your beta. Don't you think you'd be better as Alpha than training someone for the position?"

I think it over to myself biting my lip unsure of what to say.

She makes a point but at the same time I don't want the responsibility. Plus Danny is doing an exceptional job.

"To be completely honest, I've been trained to lead my whole life and have never had an interest in it." I shrug.

She squints her eyes in a way only mother's can, "Elle, you're a Pureblood. An Alpha at that, you will always have the urge to lead and be in control."

I nod in understanding.

"You must be very dominating in bed then." She says nonchalantly not missing a beat.

Oh gosh.

I swallow hard staring wide eyed at J who smirks shaking his head.

Tony scowls at his wife waving her away. "My dear Elle don't answer that. You'll have to excuse my wife. She means well I promise you, she just has no filter."

Carla blows him a kiss from across the table. "I didn't even get to the uncomfortable questions yet."

There's more!?

"My love, you are going to give the poor girl a heart attack." Tony tries to help but of course she ignores him.

"So has he marked you yet? I'm guessing no because you aren't all starry eyed over him yet. When will I be a glam-mom?"

"Uuh glam-mom?" I squeak.

"She means when are we having kids. The one question she promised not to ask." J cuts in still grinning as if this is funny.

It's not even funny. I am not entertained.

"Jayden I'm not getting in younger I-"

"Carla you're also not getting any older. Leave the girl alone."

She shakes her head laughing,"That's besides the point, I'm just curious...need something to brag about with the ladies back home."

My eyes damn near fall out of my head and she just laughs harder.

"Honey relax, I'm only kidding. I know you two will give me babies when you're ready."

Babies? Lady I don't even know if I want a single baby.

I open my mouth to speak but the maids come in carrying platters of food.

Saved! Thank goodness.

I sigh relieved before diving in to the pasta that was on my plate.

Other than the super awkward questions it went pretty well. I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life. J's parents are hilarious and oh my God the stories they tell about him!

"I'm not kidding Elle the boy closed his thing right in the zipper." Carla was in tears telling the story to me.

I was doubled over trying to catch my breath. Tony shook his head chuckling while J grimaced.

"Ookay you can stop with the stories now." He grumbles rising from his chair.

Tony sniffles, "Don't be ashamed Jayden it's our blessing and curse to be so huge.

"Amen." Carla responds grinning.

"Don't you guys have something to do or somewhere to go?" J pinches the bridge of his nose.

His discomfort rolls off of him in waves and though I am enjoying this I don't want my mate getting all upset.

Holy hell My Mate, I'm never going to get used to saying that.

"Yeah I'm sure you guys are exhausted from your trip. We'll hang out tomorrow." Rising from my seat they all follow suit.

"You're right. It was quite a trip, we won't be staying long maybe a day or two." Carla hugs me then J kissing his cheek.

Tony kisses my hand and pats J on the shoulder.

"Are you guys staying here I'm sure J can-

"Heavens no."

"Hell no."

All three of them say together. I blink a few times nodding not really understanding.

If my parents were here I'd want them close.

"Well then it was nice meeting you two."

"You as well honey, Jayden show us out please?"

J comes around the table and kisses my forehead whispering, "Meet me in my bedroom."

My heart flutters as I nod.

Kicking my heels off and stripping my clothes off I lay patiently in his bed dosing to sleep.

The door creaks open but I'm too tired to peek my eyes open. "Glad they gave you a good laugh."

"Mhm, you're parents are great." I mumble rolling over on his bed.

I hear his belt buckle hit the floor before he climbs into the bed his warm shirtless chest resting against my back.

He drapes an arm around my waist pulling me to him.

"What happened to personal space?"

"Not tonight babygirl, I just want to hold you. I don't think I've seen you as relaxed as you were tonight. It got me thinking."


"I could get used to your laugh, your beautiful smile, just you being around."

Rolling over so I'm facing him I stretch a hand out caressing his face.

"J what are you saying?"

"I love you."

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