Part 1 Likes and Dislikes

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Hey awesome fans. I decided that to get myself out of my bummed out state... I would post some crazy stories & things about my life as well as some interesting rants and things about me and my family =D

Please do not be offended by anything I post here okay... goood... glad you all understand ;P

So here goes... hope you enjoy entering into my world of craziness...


Likes and Dislikes

I love chocolate because let's face it... what girl doesn't unless she has a dysfunction... or diabetes and can't have sweets but that is not her fault, otherwise, there is no excuse for this!

I love accents... perhaps I should have said this first! If you haven't guessed this by now... then what kind of fan are you?? just joking :) Accents are super sexy and hot, and it is also hot when dudes speak in a foreign language... that's just hot as hell!! But any one who says accents are not sexy as hell is LYING!!

I love <3 Johnny Depp <3 ... he is the reason that the sun rises and sets on this earth!! He is sexy as hell and does his own damn thing, did I mention he is sexy as hell. He is a supremely awesome actor... and sexy as hell!! In fact, when I was reading a story this am... someone who shall remain nameless (KENTASTY) had him as a character and them KILLED HIM!! OH THE FREAKING HORROR :0

I was offended & appalled so of course I protested and threatened harm on him in many forms... I don't think he was sacred though, but he should be!! I WAS VERY UPSET BY THIS, AS WELL AS OTHER THINGS THAT OCCURED TODAY... BUT I IMMEDIATELY FELT BETTER WHEN I WENT TO WORK & FOUND A MAGAZINE IN THE WAITINGROOM WITH HIS GORGEOUS FACE ON IT. (sorry for the random all caps but I'm too lazy to retype it, not to mention that I'm a suckish typist) I stole the magazine from work and brought it home so I could look at his glorious face for eternity.

** I even kissed it** I'm not ashamed about that either… you know you would have done the same damn thing so stop judging!!

ha ha ha... funny story that is completely true but it unrelated to the topic of likes and dislikes... but IS related to JOHNNY DEPP...

On the way to get my kids from school yesterday I had to stop at the gas station...

There is this Indian dude ... from India ... with almost no accent... :( ... which makes me sad because of how I love accents...

that works there who always flirts with me...

Yesterday I was wearing my awesomely sexy Johnny Depp shirt were he looks delicious & lickable...

the guy noticed my shirt and the convo went like this...

Gas Station Guy: Nice shirt. I like Johnny Depp.

Me: Me TOO!! I love him!!

GSG: that looks like and older picture of him, like in his 21 Jump Street days. I liked him in that.

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