Part 2 Addictions

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ha ha... this is making m feel so much beter that I'm postingsom more!! hope you enjoy!!

Crisy =D


Part 2: Addictions

I like sleep. I sleep until at least 10 am every Saturday and Sunday. My hubby gets up with the kids... Isn’t that sweet?... No, he only does it because he wants sex!! Sad, but so true!! My family is smart enough not to disturb me or wake me up because I'm a raging bitch if I'm tired:(

If I don't get sleep, I'm grumpy... So why is it that I stay up until 3 or 4 am you ask? ... Well, my family asks me that very question and this is my reply...

Shut up and leave me alone I'm fucking tired!!

But honestly, I am addicted to wattpad... Along with many things... Like sexy accents, Johnny deep, nicotine, coffee, swearing, looking at sexy dudes with hot abs, talking about sex, gay dudes, flirting, Avenged Sevenfold, embarrassing my children, the words freaking, awesome and dude, and giving people nick names... Oh I also make up my own words too!!

Let us examine these shall we?... Good! I know you want to and if you don't then fuck off assholes!! Lol :)


I read tons of freaking stories on wattpad and have probably well over 400 stored in my 2... Yes I said 2 iPod touches. Why 2? Because the one I bought last year didn't have a camera and I'm snobbish like that and wanted a new one... So I bought one & now I have 2! They have completely different shit on them and my oldest son keeps asking if he can have my old one and I say no! Why? Because I'm a stingy iPod whore who does not like to share!!

So I stay up very late at night reading Awesome stories, commenting, voting and replying to messages... Because I am also addicted to the Internet. If I'm not online I must be sleeping or working!! I have no life, it's sad really... But it works for me... Sometimes...

Although i am convinced that wattpad is secretly stalking me and has a conspiracy against me because they keep making all my freaking stories rated R and setting my sex scenes to private... But what the fuck ever wattpad... I’m still on here so... Screw you!! moving on...

Sexy accents

We have already discussed this in depth... But if you don’t live in America... You are a sexy dude and have an accent... or love accents like the Awesome Kentasty... Then you should definitely chat me when I am on line... Or stalk my message board!!

I think the awesome Samsy is getting tired of hearing me go on about my obsession with sexy ass accents... So I need someone else to talk to about this subject. If you don't know who Samsy is... Then this means nothing to you... But if you do... Then you are probably laughing your ass off right now!!

Sorry Samsy... I <3 you :)

Johnny Depp

We have already discussed this at lengthy as well, but hell... It's Johnny Freaking Depp so come on!! It needs repeating!! Who doesn't love an awesomely sexy pirate with long hair and a goatee??? Someone who obviously has no taste... Or is a straight dude... Not like that Indian guy from the gas station who I know is straight, but admits he likes JD... Now that is a real man!!

I also like long hair, goatees and piercings on a guy... It's sexy... Admit it... closet whores because I know you all secretly like them too!! Enough said!!


I smoke all the freaking time and I'll admit it!! I smoke outside, not in the house around my kids, and in the car when I am driving... Unless it cold outside which is always the case in NY in winter time... Then I smoke in my creepy ass dirt floor looks like some psycho killed a man and buried him down here basement... But it's better than freezing my ass off!!

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