Part 6: Welcome to the Family

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this is for all of the people who I love dearly and help me through my life everyday!! I truly love and appreciate every one of you!!


Part 6: Welcome to the Family

So I wanted to tell all of my awesome fans about my Awesomest of Awesome wattpad family and friends. So if I accidentally leave you out... don’t be mad... I love ALL 760 something of you... and my heart is big enough for you all!! I just wanted to discuss the most important people to me aside from my real family... which is super huge as well!!

So go look them up... Fan them... Love them as I love them... If not for their work... Then because they are all very freaking awesome people who have been there for me and meant more to me than they could possibly ever know!!

So again... Please do not be offended if you are not mentioned and because my memory REALLY is that suckish!! It's the twinness... Yeah I'm accusing you... And you know who you are... *coughs* fluffy *coughs*

Meet my freaking Awesome Family and Friends... In no particular order of importance... So don't get jealous family... You all know where you stand!! And I mean you fluffy... Yes you!!

My Awesome Family

writerwithin... She is my wattpad/face book wife and perhaps my oldest mutual fan/friend. We have been reading each other’s work for a long time and I respect her skill and opinion very greatly. She is awesome and we have a mutual love of yaoi anime... And no Marie... I still have not seen the latest episode of Sekai... Sighs...

We have been married since July 5th 2011, and it is an awesome relationship... even though it’s a long distance relationship since she lives in another country... But this is now legal in the state of NY... So congrats to us!! I dumped my hubby for her... Because he was being a douche... But not now so chill people!! And she is just that awesome!! Love you!

hinaclia... She is my mommy who is more than 20 years younger than me... I know... it's fucked up but whatever. She is my pokemon... and I choose her when I need someone roughed up... Taken out... Or beaten down! Yup... She's that badass!! I call her my little squirtle stalker and mommy. I am her Charizard cannibal... Lol! Get back in your pokeball little stalker... I did not call you out yet!!

She's worries about me, tries to make me happy when I'm sad, even posts pics of her bros sexy abs for my viewing enjoyment... and we have shared a lot lately. She writes awesome boyxboy stories... and she's a good mommy!! Ti Amo mommy... I don't know if I got that right... because you know I don't understand languages... But I know you get it!

RainyGay... He is my daddy and I call him cobra, but he hasn't given me a nick name yet so I feel a bit slighted!! Lol!! But he could always just call me ‘Love’... Since chicks dig it when sexy British dudes call them that! I don't know him that well... yet... But I know that he has sexy abs and a sexy ass British accent... yes... an accent... You all know how I love them!!  And he is legal... So I'm not such a pedo for loving my sexy ass British daddy!! This is a compliment Cobra, do not be offended... Lol. Love you too... We will talk more later!!

FluffyBunny... This is perhaps the person I have the most to say about... And it's all good... Well relatively good. She is my twin. We are the Awesomeness Twins!! Awesomeness Powers Activate!!! Feel it... Love it... Because we are just that freaking awesome!!

She is the fluffy twin because she's all sweet and not as evil and Pervy as me. I am the evil twin because well... I'm just evil and Pervy!! She hardly ever swears unless she's really mad which let me tell you I have been witness to... While I on the other hand, swear like a fucking dirty mouthed truck driver. I get reported all the fucking time for swear and saying crazy shit that the wattpad conspiracy does not like... What the fuck ever wattpad... Suck it!!

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