Chapter Eleven

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"Quinn!" Mo slapped my arm waking me from my sleep.

"Fuck," I groaned as she jumped on me.

"Mo, get out." Lucian groaned as I sat up, keeping the sheet covering my chest.

"I can't, I'm too excited, I don't even care that you're naked in bed with my brother, I'm that excited." She clapped making me chuckle.

"Well, I care, Morgana." Lucian sat up the sheet falling to cover his hips.

"Shush," Mo said as she looked back at me. "Why didn't you tell me that your birthday was this Saturday?"

"Because I didn't care," I chuckled and she frowned at me. "Mo, can we talk about this maybe when I'm not naked?"

"Ugh, fine." She huffed as she stood. "I don't know why it's such an issue, I'm sure I've seen it all!" She waltzed out of Lucian's room making both of us laugh.

"Well, that was interesting." Lucian kissed my bare shoulder while I smiled.

"Your birthday is next Saturday, why didn't you say anything?" Lucian asked as I twisted to come face to face with him.

"Because it wasn't that big of a deal." I shrugged, I kissed his lips quickly before he rolled me over onto my back, making me squeal. He kissed my lips and I could feel his smile against my them. He looked down at me and I crossed my fingers behind his neck. "Since my mom... I never really celebrated it anymore."

"Well, you're gonna hate me for this," he kissed my lips. "I'm throwing you a party."

"Lucian," I groaned but he stopped me from continuing.

"Look, Quinn, after the incident with your mother you didn't have any family to throw you parties. You have a family now," he kissed my lips and my heart swelled. "Not to mention since you're my mate, you're officially royalty."

"What?" He chuckled as my mouth dropped open.

"Yep, you're Princess Quinn now."


"You're insane," I chuckled as Mo slumped onto my bed, the shopping bags hitting the floor with a thud. I put them down and sucked in a breath, I felt like my stomach was being attacked with needles. I laid next to my friend and closed my eyes. "The dress you got is gorgeous."

"So is yours," Mo sighed. "Thank you, Quinn."

"For what?" I opened my eyes and she smiled at me.

"For being my friend." She sat up and handed me a white, velvet box. "And for bringing my brother back to me." I opened it and a diamond, snowflake necklace hung in it. I sat up and hugged her.

"It's beautiful, Mo." I gave a small squeeze and we parted. "I'm glad you're my friend too."


I woke with a fright and sucked in a breath. I looked down at Lucian and sighed, he was safe. I slipped out of bed quietly, careful not to wake Lucian and I slipped on his white shirt. I walked out of our room and down to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and brought it to my lips when the girl I chased into the graveyard stared at me through the window. My eyes widened as I set the glass down and opened the sliding glass door. The cold February breeze froze my body, goosebumps rising on my skin. I stepped out into the yard, my feet squishing in the mud from melted snow. "Who are you? Why is it only I can see you?"

"I had a name but I can not remember it." She sounded hallow, no life in her eyes. No duh, she's dead! So my conscious was a bitch, who knew? The girl looked familiar, and not just from the times I chased her.

"Mary? I called you Mary when I was little." I gasped, she was my imaginary friend. My mom freaked when she found out I had an imaginary, now I know why.

"You remembered," the girl smiled at me. "I tried warning you of your power when you were little but your mother bound you gifts. When Lucian first caught your scent the spell broke and there I appeared. Your father knows of you, wants you to fight along side his master, Titus. He is an evil vampire who has learned the way of us, he took our abilities and gave them to Titus. He wants your power, Quintella. He wants your mate dead," she sighed. My skin burned just thinking of Titus anywhere near Lucian.

"How do you know any of this?" I whispered, my voice betraying me.

"Because your father killed me."

Immortals: The Ombré Series (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن