Chapter Twelve

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"Happy Birthday, love." Lucian whispered as he kissed up my back.

"Mm, can't I just stay in bed with you all day for my birthday present?" A laugh rumbled through his chest as he kissed my neck.

"I'd love that but I don't think Mo would approve." I felt his weight leave the bed and I sighed as I opened my eyes. To be perfectly honest I felt sick, but I wasn't going to let Mo down. I stood out of bed and slipped on Lucian's shirt then wrapped my arms around him. I hadn't told him about Mary, or my dad, and it was eating me up inside. "Hey, you okay?"

"Uh," he looked down at me with concern. "Oh, yea, just thinking that's all."

"You aren't allowed to do that tonight, love." He kissed my lips as a knock sounded from the door.

"You two decent?" Mo asked through the door before entering.

"What would've happened if we weren't, Mo?" I chuckled as Lucian kissed my cheek and walked into his bathroom.

"I would've been scarred for life." She shrugged as she wrapped me in a hug. "Alright, it's time to get you ready."

"Now? Mo it's eight in the morning." I stated as I yawned.

"Yea, well, we're going to take extra care in dressing you up tonight."


I took a sip of champaign while everyone mingled with each other. "You must be Lucian." I turned to see an older man, maybe 40, with a woman about his age on his arm. He had brown hair and brown eyes like the woman and they both smiled kindly at me.

"I am," I shook his hand and the woman hugged me, taking me off guard.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger." The woman gushed as she released.

"I'm Rico, this is my wife Maria." The man smiled and I returned it.

"I wanted to thank both of you for taking care of Quinn before I met her. I understand she hasn't had an easy life. You're like family to her, which makes you family to me as well." I felt a hand wrap around my arm and sparks tingled up my arm. I looked down to see a smiling Quinn. She looked beautiful in a icy blue, one shoulder, jewel encrusted dress. Her heels made her only one head shorter than me, her eyes sparkled, she wore snowflake earrings, a diamond, snowflake necklace, and her hair was curled and braided pulled to one side. "You look beautiful." I whispered as she took my breath away. Her beauty made me more nervous for the surprise I had in store for my princess.

"Thank you," she whispered back as she kissed my cheek before turning and hugging her step in parents. Mo came over with Lucas on her arm and they met Rico and Maria. Unfortunately, Opal and Sam had to leave this morning to go settle a dispute with the witch council about Quinn. Mo wore a dark blue dress, a swirly, diamond necklace, blue earrings, and her hair was pulled back.

"It's nice to see you again, Rico." Mo smiled as Lucas shook their hands.

"I'm just glad this one hasn't gotten you in trouble yet." Rico chuckled while Quinn faked being hurt.

"I can't believe you're insulting me on my birthday." Quinn shook her head but a smile was spread across her lips.

"I hate to steal her away but I wondered if you would bless me with a dance?" Quinn smiled at me as I lead her to the dance floor. "Happy Birthday," I whispered as my hand rested on her hip.

"This is amazing, Luc. Thank you," I moaned lowly at the sound of the nickname she gave me. I felt her chuckle against me as I rest my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her rose and jade perfume.

"I love you," I whispered and she pulled her head away to look at me.

"What?" She asked like she thought she imagined it. I stopped us from dancing and brushed my knuckles across her cheek.

"I love you, Quintella Winters." I smiled as the shock cleared from her face to be replaced with pure joy.

"I love you, Lucius Ombré." I kissed her lips lightly, loving this moment.


We had sat to eat and Lucian never released my hand. My body still tingled from his confession and I bit my lip remembering how he reacted to his nickname. Lucian stood and everyone turned to him, I felt a frown want to form when he released my hand but I ignored it. My joy overwhelmed me and I was lucky to have these people as my new family. "Thank you all for coming to celebrate the birth of my mate. This is usually the time where I give a small, worthless speech then we eat but I wanted to surprise the one girl that means everything to me." Lucian cleared his throat as he turned to me and got down on one knee making me gasp, covering my mouth with my hand. He pulled out a small, black velvet box and opened it, inside was a red ruby surrounded my diamonds. The girls in the crowd 'awed' in unison. "Quintella Winters, you have turned my world upside down. You've changed me for the better, made me want to be a better leader for my people, a better man, and hopefully a better husband. Would you do me the honor of being my bride?"

"Yes," I leaped into his arms while everyone stood and applauded. "Yes," I whispered as he kissed me, snaking one arm around my waist pulling me to my feet. I smiled against his lips as I cried tears of joy. We separated as he slipped the ring on my finger then he kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you."

Immortals: The Ombré Series (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon