Chapter Thirteen

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I felt like I was dying, literally. I woke up this morning and almost passed out when I got out of bed. Lucian caught me and ordered me to be on permanent bed rest which sort of helped me. I got to go on my computer and catch up on a bunch of stuff I missed at college. I took the tests I've missed and was fully caught up my lunch. Around one I started getting hungry and ventured to the kitchen. "Hey," I smiled as Mo squealed hugging me.

"We're going to be sisters!" She wouldn't let go of me, making me chuckle. "I though my brother didn't have a romantic bone in his body. That was so sweet and adorable and..."

"Romantic?" I replied sarcastically as she released me with a giggle.

"Yea," I smiled as I sat on a stool suddenly feeling light headed again.

"Lucian was right, you are sick." Mo sighed as she got out a can of chicken noodle soup.

"Speaking of my husband to be, where is he?" I asked as she turned on the stove.

"He went on a blood run with Lucas, we ran out two days ago." She shrugged as fear and dread gripped me. I tried shaking it off but it was no use.

"Mo," I stiffened and she looked up at me. Black smoke flooded the floor and started wrapping around Mo's legs until it reached up her body and into her mouth, suffocating her. "Mo!" I ran over to her and tugged her away from it. She coughed as her eyes started to close. "Mo, open your eyes." She didn't as we both fell to the floor.

"Don't worry, she's not the sibling I want to kill." A voice chilled me to the bone when Titus stepped into my view, a smirk on his lips. "And you'll bring him right to me."


Something didn't feel right as Lucas and I walked up to the house. The front door was wide open and Alfred was laying on the ground. "Fuck," I knelt down and a sigh of relief passed my lips when I felt a heart beat. "Quinn!" I stood and ran up the stairs to our room, she wasn't in here.

"Lucian!" Lucas yelled from the kitchen and I bolted down the stairs where Mo lay unconscious, her head on Lucas' lap.

"Mo," I cupped her cheek and felt the similar feeling of anger rise up in me. Mo let out a groan as her eyes started to flutter open. "Mo, who took Quinn?"

"Ti... Titus," she whispered, her voice weak. My blood boiled as I stood, my eyes shifting.

"You stay here with her." I demanded Lucas who stopped me from walking out the kitchen door.

"Where are you going?" I turned around and he sighed, seeing my eyes. "You don't even know where she is."

"I don't care, I'm going to find her." I walked to the door, "Then I'm going to kill our brother." I walked out and sniffed the air, I caught her jade scent but it was faint. A woman suddenly appeared in front of me, she wore a white dress with blood stains, it was the girl that Quinn saw.

"I know where she is, you have to save her." The woman pleaded.

"Take me to her."

Hey guys! So sorry this chapter was so short but I was just too excited to get to the rescue chapter to make it any longer. What do you think will happen? I mean Lucian doesn't know about Quinn's dad's involvement. This could end badly...

Immortals: The Ombré Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now