Chapter six

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Pic of Mason.

Rory's PoV

He's agreeing to be ours, I'm so happy. When he started crying I panicked, I wouldn't do anything to hurt him on purpose so, to know my words caused his tears worried me. He's still in our arms and I can't resist I pull his face up to mine and kiss him with everything I can, Mason starts to kiss his neck causing him to moan, I take the opportunity and slip my tongue into his mouth. As soon as we break apart Mas takes him from me and kisses him just like I've done.

He breaks the kiss after a few seconds and says "ok, as nice as that was we need to cool down and talk. You didn't get to finish what you were saying" Mas puts him on the couch. "Right, your ours and we're yours forever. I know you don't fully know us yet but over time we will get to know each other well. Our wolves have a need to be around you constantly but tell us if it gets to be overbearing or you need time to yourself-" Mason is interrupted "that's not likely, I will love being near you too" he says. There's a look on his face that tells me there's more to that statement but I leave it for now.

"Good, that will keep us all happy so anyway this part is serious and it's a big decision so take your time with your answer" I'm nervous again now but he needs to know "when we mate, which means we'll have sex, we will both have to bite you" I stop. "Ok, but there's more so tell me" he says. "When we mate and mark you with our bites you will become a werewolf too" I say quickly but I know he heard.

He spaces out again, I notice he does this when we tell him something new, it's like he's thinking it over, which is a good thing I suppose. "That is a big one and I really can't process that yet but I won't keep you hanging on too long for my answer, that's the best I can give you for now, ok" I'm glad he's not just jumping into anything, it's shows me that he's sensible and will make a great beta mate.

"Anything else I should know?" There's not that's the biggest part of it so I tell him "no that's about it, anything you want to ask?" He thinks for a minute "will it hurt, the bite and change. If I do it" Mason says "we won't lie to you, ever, so yes the change will hurt but the bite won't that'll be very pleasurable" he blushes but nods.

"Can I talk to Luka and Lucas for a while please?" He asks "of course I'll call them, we have a mind link that we can talk through, we can open and close it as we like. When we - sorry, I mean if we mate and mark you we will have the link but we will also be tuned into each other's feelings. This allows us to care for each other properly" I tell him, then I link the twins who agree to come straight away.

"They're on the way, you know you can talk to us about anything right?" Mason questions, I know he feels a little rejected because I am too, our mate should come to us first. He looks up at us then gets up and wraps his little body around Masons "I know, of course I do but it's boys stuff and I need to keep some of that stuff for myself. It's not that I don't trust you, I actually do, which is a miracle in itself but sometimes you need a friends advice not your partners. Do you understand, please don't feel bad over me"

I wrap both of them in my arms securing our cutie in the middle of us "ok mate, we get it but if you need us at all, have the lunas call us please" I say. He agrees to do that, there's a knock on the door so we know the boys are here. Mason takes his face in his hands and leans in and kisses him, I do the same after him. "We'll miss you" we say. He laughs "guys it's only for an hour or so but I'll miss you too" this makes us happy.

"Right, out it's our Tim time" Luka teases as they walk in. "Ok, ok we know when we're not wanted, see you soon cutie" Mason winks at him. I just blow him a kiss and we leave. "Jeeze you two have it bad" Dante mocks us as we meet them in the hall. "Oh really, why are you here then, didn't think the lunas would make the long walk alone, no?" I tease right back we just laugh and go do some boring paperwork in the office.

A human mate for twin betas - book two of the twins series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now