Chapter sixteen

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Pic of Tim, Mason and Rory.

Rory's PoV

We fucked up but it's in our nature to protect him from any harm, even if it's his own thoughts causing the problem. Still, we did go a bit overboard by turning into cavemen, me throwing him over my shoulder and Mas shouting at him. He's been gone for nearly three hours now and we are still sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back. Hopefully he's calmed down enough to actually come back.

"I don't think he's coming back bro, I think it's time to open the link and see if we can get any idea of how he's feeling" Mas tells me. Thing is, I'm half afraid to do that, what if he's ready to give up on us?. "Jeeze calm down it was one fight and he was ready to mate with us before it so I doubt he's going anywhere. Look I'll just open my link if it's going to get you so anxious ok" he says. He must be in tune with my feelings because he comes over and takes me into his arms letting me relax there.

All of a sudden I feel him stiffen "what? Tell me Mas, is Tim ok?" I ask frantically. "Fuck, fuck it, we are such dickheads" he rants. "What's going on, please don't make me open the link" I beg. "I can't believe we've caused this, it's Tim, I don't know where he is but all I can feel is loneliness and sadness from him" he says sadly. I jump out of the chair "we have to get to him, we swore he wouldn't feel lonely again. I don't give a fuck about our fight, our mate needs us now so come on!" I demand.

He nods and we go outside, we discard our clothes and let our massive wolves free. We catch his scent and follow it to the pack house. 'I have no key, who can you sense?' I link Mason. 'It's late let me check' he begins sniffing. Having the best sense of smell in the pack is helpful. 'I found him he's in the guest bedroom across from our old room. Hold up, Luka he's moving around' he tells me. The door opens suddenly and there stands Luka in just boxers, he's hot but Tim is hotter.

"Are you going to stand there all night or come in? What did you guys do to Tim? I know he's here but not why" he asks. We shift back and take our clothes out of the bag I carried and dress. "We fucked up, we went kinda alpha male on him when he was going to explain his odd behaviour last night. He didn't get a chance to explain it because he zoned out and I got annoyed so I threw him over my shoulder and dumped him on the couch. Then he started shouting at him about it. He got mad and came here, we presumed to talk to you but obviously not" I tell him while making our way to the living room.

"Listen, you did fuck up. He's not a wolf, he doesn't get our need to follow the chain of command, so to speak. While Luka and I find it hot to see our men in charge and dominating, he won't because it's not in his nature yet. You better fix it, he allowed Lucas to tell me about their bathroom chat and from how worried he was I can tell you have some making up to do. He wanted a special night but he got a fight instead. Not good guys" he warns. Now I'm more anxious, he has to forgive us or I won't stop until he does.

"We know, that's why we have to go right now, thanks for the advice Luna. You will make this pack happy" Mason says seriously. Luka doesn't answer, he doesn't look like he can, Masons statement made his eyes fill with tears of happiness. His emotions must have gotten the better of him because next thing we know there are the sound of feet on the stairs and Dante runs into the room and hugs him tightly. "Alpha, I'm sorry, I thought I was being nice but he got upset" Mas looks hurt that he made Luka cry. "No.. sniff, you did.. Sniff, make me happy Mason, thank you for that.. Sniff, lovely compliment" Luka gets out.

Mas looks relieved so I hug him "bro I keep messing up, Tims going to hate me. How can I ever be a go-" "don't you dare finish that sentence Mason Black" we go still as we hear Tims voice from the stairs. "Let's go home so we can talk" he says. "Luka, Dante, we'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for having me over" he then hugs them both. Not being able to contain it Mason and I growl, our mate is hugging two, hot, practically naked men who have more power than us. He cuts us a glare that's so icy we stop immediately "that behaviour is what got you here in the middle of the night so cut it out now or I can go back to bed" that shuts up our wolves.

Luka takes him to the side and whispers in his ear, we don't listen, mostly because we're trying to respect his privacy but, it's really because Dante distracts us on purpose making sure we don't hear their discussion. "You better keep those ears to yourselves or you will be in more trouble, trust me. He's a feisty one but that's good he'll keep you on your toes. Try chill, I mean we hugged him right in front of you, did you think we wanted to take him away from you. Be serious guys, you know better" he scoffs.

"No disrespect Dante, alpha but your mated to your mates, our mate is still open to anyone who wants to try get him. He's not fully ours yet and when he wanted to be, well, look how well that turned out" I say. "I get it but a little more restraint is needed to get you where you need to be ok" he pats us on the shoulders and walks over to Luka. Wrapping his arm around him they walk upstairs together.

We look at Tim letting him decide what to do next "not here, I want to go home. I've had a horrible night and I don't want to discuss it so late. We will in the morning but I need you both to take me to bed and cuddle up next to me until then" he says tiredly. I walk over and say "we would be honoured to little mate, we won't talk about it now but we are so sorry and we love you" he nods in acceptance. We go and do exactly as he asked leaving our talk for tomorrow.

A human mate for twin betas - book two of the twins series boyxboyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ