Chapter nine

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Pic of Tim, Mason and Rory.

Tims PoV

She's crying again and I don't know what to do. I've only ever looked after myself for the last four years and now I'm supposed to know how to calm her down. I just walk over and take her in my arms slowly so I don't spook her and say "shh, it's ok, we'll get through this, I'm going to take good care of you". She just sniffs and looks up at me. I wipe her tears and sigh.

When I came here last night this was not what I expected, my mother or the bitch that gave birth to me was sitting in the kitchen with a little girl. When I asked her what she was doing here she simply replied "still a fag? Oh I guess by that reaction you are. Well I'm here to tell you, that's your problem now" she pointed at the little girl. She looked terrified, a look I know all too well when it comes to this woman.

"What do you mean?" I question. "I got knocked up and dealt with it because he wanted to marry me, he looked after it but now he's just like your dear old daddy, dead, so it's yours now" I flinch when she talks about my father but I'm still too frightened of her to say anything. "You have the money he left you and your grandparents left you so you raise it, I'm done".

She stands to leave but I grab her arm, bad move. She whirls around and slaps me so hard I fall to the floor, "don't put your disgusting hands on me, you wouldn't be here if he didn't make me keep you. Now as I said before I'll say again, goodbye fag your on your own" she leaves uttering some of the very few words that broke my life once. The only words left out were "your fathers dead", at the start of the sentence.

Here I am now with this poor child, my sister, and I have nobody to turn to. I know I can't expect the twins to take on me and a child so it's back to just me with the added extra responsibility of a girl. I feel like crying along with her but I don't, if I did I would scare her even more. I know what she's been through with that bitch. She'll never have to worry again I'm going to adopt her and call her mine, no sibling of mine will be left alone.

"Tori, let's go get you some nice new clothes and things for your room, yeah. What do you like, how about princesses?" I try coax her, she's only four and she's frightened of people because of the witch. She just shrugs her little shoulders. I sigh and gently take her hand, she winces "I'll never, ever hurt you baby, I'll won't let anyone else hurt you either ok. If you want anything don't be afraid to ask me. I'll make sure you have everything you need so remember I'm going be your dad and I'll mind and love you forever.

"My daddy died" she says softly. "So did mine and I had nobody to mind me but you do, I'm here ok, is that something you would like?" She peeks up at me and smiles "yeah your nice, n..n..not m" "just say her, she's gone now so it's me and you kid all the way" she smiles then and I'm blown away she's so beautiful.

We spend the day getting a small bed and supplies for her, from clothes to toys. I even got her a tiny pink toothbrush and strawberry flavoured toothpaste, she was really excited about them. We ate at the closest diner. Even though we had fun I was miserable on the inside. It made me realise how much I really liked the twins, my heart was breaking with every hour I was away from them and I don't know how I'm going to move on. It hurts so much.

I know Luka and Lucas said the boys would be there for me through anything but I think this situation would be a deal breaker and I wouldn't be able to stand it if they left me so I'm going to have to leave them. And that sucks.

We go to the car and I'm hoping she will fall asleep until morning because right now all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry. All I can think is she did it again, I didn't see her for four long years and in minutes she ruined my life again. I notice Tori going to sleep in the booster seat we bought today and I'm relieved. I didn't even look at my phone all day, I've been too busy with my misery and my poor little sister.

We get home and I bring in all the bags, I take tori into my arms and look down at her "don't worry sweet girl, dads got you now, your ok" just as I go to bring her inside I hear "what's going on, what do you mean dad?" I turn at the sound of their voices and think 'well the shit just hit the fan'.

A human mate for twin betas - book two of the twins series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now