Chapter fifteen

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Pic of Tim.

Tims PoV

How do I do this, I can't just up and say "ok boys mate and mark me". So how do I let them know I'm ready? I know they know something's wrong with me but I'm so nervous I can't help it. I mean I snapped at Rory I never do that but If I didn't he would have gotten the truth out of me and I couldn't tell them before the meal, we probably wouldn't have gotten here if I did.

I realise I've zoned out again and shake my head to clear my mind. The twins just got engaged and here I am thinking of myself. I go and hug the boys "I'm so happy for you, you are perfect for each other" "thanks we couldn't be happier" Luka says. Everyone congratulates them and they are beaming. It's good to see. Now if I could only get my own head together it'd be all good.

We start to leave the restaurant but I feel my arm being tugged, I notice it's Lucas "what's up" I ask him. "Come with me. Guys we will be back in a few minutes, just need the bathroom" they acknowledge us with a nod but Mason gives me a look that tells me he's waiting to talk to me. Now I'm really panicking.

The moment we step inside Lucas checks for other people, when he finds nobody he turns to me and says "spill it" "what?" I question. "Come on Tim, I might be quiet but I'm observant. You've been off all night and you barely looked at your mates. The scent of fear and worry is coming off them in waves so spill. Did they do something or what's going on?" "Shit I didn't mean to worry them, I'm just... Em.." "Listen I don't want to force anything out of you but you'd better think of telling them, it's their duty in life to care for you so of course they're going to worry when your acting so strange" he tells me.

"I'm ready" "ok let's go then" he doesn't get what I'm on about. "No, Lucas, I'm ready you know" I raise my eyebrows "that kind of ready but I don't know how to tell them. Also I'm worried about the change". He finally catches on "oooohh, I see, well just be honest, it's the best thing to do. They're out there thinking the worst when what you want is something good for them. Trust them they'll take good care of you" "but it's so embarrassing" I admit. "It won't be your just thinking way too much, it's the most natural thing in the world. One bit of advice though, Rory is more dominant I'd let him go first, his wolf will appreciate it more that way. But it's up to the three of you to figure it out, ok" "thanks, I needed that pep talk" we hug and rejoin the others.

The twins are waiting by the car with equal scowls on their faces, I walk over and take Rory's face in my hands, I pull him down for a kiss then do the same to Mason. "I'm sorry, I'll explain at home ok. Stop scowling those beautiful faces" they look shocked but recover quickly "ok but you better tell us what the hell tonight was all about" Mason says in a firm tone. I promise I will. We say goodbye and congratulations again, Lucas gives me a slight nod of encouragement and we leave.

The drive home is silent and I am trying to think of the best way to explain. I am so lost in my thoughts I don't notice we arrive until my door is flung open and I'm hoisted over Rory's shoulder. He barges into the living room and plopped me on the couch,Mason is two steps behind. 'Oh oh they look unhappy' I think to myself. "Ok it's enough with the zoning out, talk!" Rory says sternly.

I take a deep breath "it's nothing to worry about I swear-" "nothing to worry about? You've barely looked at us let alone spoke to us since we got home. You ate next to nothing and nearly forgot to congratulate your best friends and you tell us it's nothing to worry about. Really Tim!" Mason barks at me. He didn't even give me a chance to explain myself.

I get mad, really mad "you know what, fuck off. You didn't let me speak you just jumped down my throat. I wanted to mate with you guys tonight but you can just forget it now. Try have a bit of patience, one of you manhandled me into the house while the other barked at me like a dog so fuck you both I'm off!" I shout at them. I don't give a shit, the first sign of any change in my behaviour and they get all alpha male on me. I'm not here for that shit.

I storm out and get in the car, I take off and get to the pack house in minutes. I didn't want to come here knowing the newly engaged couple will want their private time especially tonight but it's here or their parents house and that's a no no. I knock and Damons mother opens the door, she lets me in. "Please don't disturb the alphas and lunas can I just take a spare room for tonight?" "No problem, is everything ok?" She asks while bringing me into her arms for a hug, I love this woman she's so like a real mother, one I never had.

"I had a fight with Mason and Rory and I need time to cool off before I see them again" "come with me" she says. She brings me to the kitchen, I sit while she makes me hot chocolate again I love this woman. "Now are you comfortable enough with me to confide in me or will I leave you alone to think" she asks nicely. I know she's a mother figure but she's the ex Luna too so I think she would be good at helping so I tell her about the evening. She just sits quietly and listens to me rant.

When I'm done she looks at me and says "do you think your nerves caused you to overreact slightly. I know the boys were very worried and being beta males makes they have very little patience for worry. It's in their nature to fix any problems head on its what they were born to do. Now I don't condone their behaviour tonight but I can understand it, it's not me who needs to understand them though. It's up to you to decide what you want to do next" I think about what she said, I guess I blew up at them but I won't be treated that way.

"I get it but I'm still mad at them. I know why they were that way but they need to know I'm not here to be treated that way so I'm staying for tonight. They need to understand I'm their mate not their submissive also I've been alone for so long I'm not used to having to explain myself if I'm having an off day" "good choice" she smiles shocking me. "What you thought I would tell you to go to them, I'm not because, while I'm female and your male, we both live with domineering men who, from time to time, need to be reminded we are their equals" she says with a wink then leaves the room.

I follow her and she leads me to an empty room, she wishes me a goodnight and I'm alone in the room. Two hours later I'm miserable, I hate being alone but I refuse to give in. I'll go to them tomorrow but for now it's going to be a long, lonely sleepless night.

A human mate for twin betas - book two of the twins series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now