Chapter fourteen

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Pic of Damon and Dante. 

Rory's PoV

The next day we all got up early, ate breakfast and helped Tim pack up everything in the house. We would have gotten it done in a couple of hours with help but we wanted to surprise everyone about him and Tori moving in ,  especially our best friends. Throughout the day we stopped to eat and we were finally done at seven that evening.

Luckily we didn't live too far away from him so we took what he and Tori needed for that night and we would collect the rest in trucks tomorrow. "All set?" I ask. Tim looks around and sighs "yeah, I hate this house so good riddance" he says rather bitterly. "Hey someday you will remember some good times here with your father but for now, your right, good riddance, let's go home" Mas tells him.

He seems content to call our house home, I'm glad because it's his and Tori's  home now too. It's a fresh start at home for us all, we refused to move into it unless we had our mate/s. When we arrive the two sets of twins come out to greet us, they were obviously told by the warrior on the gate that we were here. Luka and Lucas rush to Tim before we even get to take Tori out of the car. "Are you ok? What happened? Did you accept them?"

"Yes, they came to me and we talked and I've accepted them as my mates. They weren't the reason I stayed away and I'm going to move into their house on the pack lands but I have som-" "daddy, papa, dad, can I get out now, i need you there are big scary men outside" a whimpering Tori cuts him off. I rush to her "shh, darling don't cry, these are our friends, your uncles, they will make sure nobody hurts you like your daddies will. Will you say hello" she peeks up and squeaks. "But they are very big dad" "I know sweetheart and that is good that means they will be able to help you whenever you want" I try to reassure her.

Lucas approaches us "hi my name is Lucas, I'm not so big am I?" He asks in his ever soft voice. She peeks up again and shakes her head. "I think they are big too but I love them and you will too. Can we be friends?" He puts out his hand for her to shake, she looks at Tim, he smiles and nods letting her know it's ok. She  shakes it then studies the others "are you nice too?" She checks with Day and Tay. We all chuckle at her boldness.

Damon is the biggest of us all so he slowly approaches us "I'm Damon or uncle Day to you, I will mind you and I am really nice to people who are nice but if they are not nice I tell them off. Something tells me your a nice girl" she nods vigorously again we laugh. "Hum, I thought so, so guess what" he says in a whisper pretending only she can hear "what?" She answers wide eyed.

"I love hot chocolate and I'm the best at making it, would you like to try some. I know a cool little boy named Sebastian and I bet he would love some too" he's still whispering. "I have to ask my daddies, ok uncle Day" he looks chuffed that she called him it but he just nods. "Daddies, can I go get hot chocolate with uncle Day, please?" She asks. "Sure little bear but if anyone bothers you tell uncle Day ok?" Mas tells her. "Ok, papa" Damon takes her and starts to ask her questions about her favourite stuff.

"Ok, now I am sure you guys weren't gone long enough to procreate so explain please" Luka says. So we do, by the end they are as furious and disgusted by that cow as we were. "Your home is here now, I only wish we knew how alone you were we could have helped" Luka says but Tim won't hear of it. "I knew you were there for me in school along with Lacey and Josh that was enough for me. It was only in that house I hated" "still you could have come to us anytime but we all have to make our own way" Lucas says hugging him.

We bring Tim to our new home and he loves it, it's a cottage style four bedroom home with everything you could ask for inside. None of that stuff matters to us though it's our family that matters. Afterward we head to the pack house and pack our own belongings for the night and morning. We eat dinner with the pack who welcome Tim and Tori as our mate and pup with open arms. We go to the house and tuck our girl into bed and fall into bed ourselves, tired after the long day.

Masons PoV

It's been two weeks since we moved into our home and things are great. Rory and I go do pack business when needed throughout the day and at night if called. Our little family is settling into a routine and it's bliss. We don't care how old we are family life suits the three of us. Today is Luka and Lucas' nineteenth birthday and they are going to have a small gathering consisting of; their mates, us three, the four pack warriors, a.k.a our best friends and Damon and Dante's parents.

Tori and Bastian have become inseparable so our parents, who love her and Tim like family since the moment they met them, are going to have her sleep over night. We spend the day like always doing pack business but we are being extra vigilant because our best will all be at the dinner so we need to make sure our thirds and remaining warriors are ok. We finally wrap up at six, Damon and Dante had the day off with their mates, and head home to get ready. When we get there Tim is acting strange, he's kind of jumpy and won't look us in the eyes.

"What wrong cutie?" I ask. "Nothing why?" He tries to deflect the situation. "We know you, we come home to your beautiful smile and a kiss everyday. Now spill" Rory demands. "I said it's nothing my head is hurting a bit that's all, don't you be demanding me Mr" he snaps at Rory. He leaves the room and we're shocked. He's never even been in bad mood around us let alone this, something's up but I'm not going to force him and I won't let my overprotective brother either.

"Stop, if you go after him you will snap at him. Calm down and we will go to him, if his head is hurting he doesn't need a fight on top of it ok" I persuade him. He takes a couple of deep breaths, he can't help it it's the way he loves, upfront and honest and he expects that from everyone who loves him back.

I look to him and he nods indicating he's ok now, I knock on the bathroom door and ask Tim "are you ok cutie, we can help with your head, will you come out?". Rory then says "I'm sorry I snapped love, I just don't like knowing your hurting and didn't call us. Please come out to us" after hearing this he comes out but he's blushing. "Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped I took some pain killers so I'll be good soon. Thank you for coming to me even after I wasn't nice" "we will come after you forever cutie, We love you" Rory says. "I love you guys too" he replies.

We each get ready but Tim is still a little off with us, I'm worried but play along hoping he'll come to us when he's ready. When we arrive the rest of the group were just being seated. We ate a beautiful meal and watched the twins open their presents. "Um, it's our turn to give you our present" Dante says. "Ok, thanks, what is it?" Luka asks.

Suddenly Damon and Dante stand, Damon takes Lucas' right hand while Dante takes Lukas left. In the middle they cross over and Damon takes Lukas right while Dante takes Lucas' left one. This way they are holding both twins hands, it's cute. Slowly they sink to their knees, the whole room stops shocked. "We love you both and know that from the time we were in the womb we were made for each other. When we finally met, even under the circumstances, we knew we would die without you both. So Luka and Lucas will you do us the honour of marrying us and completing our lives?" They say together in perfect sync.

All eyes turn to the boys, we hold our breath until they scream "Yes! Yes! We love you so much yes!" Cheers erupt around the room and after a kiss, a long one for each might I add, we all get up and hug them in congratulations. I notice Tim is sitting staring at it all as if he's somewhere else and just as I go to walk over to him it's like he realises and shakes his head as if clearing his thoughts. Then he goes to his best friends congratulating them. 'I'm not impressed our mate is worried, upset, hurt or guilty over something or someone and once we get home I plan on finding out what the fuck is going on with him. But for now let's celebrate with the happy couples' I link Rory, he nods in approval from across the room so we do just that.

A human mate for twin betas - book two of the twins series boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now