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          I walked into school with Andrew at my side. His laugh was intoxicating, so as we staggered into the school building with our lungs hanging out of our mouths, metaphorically of course, we were drawing quite a bit of attention. We were getting glares from teachers as they leaned into each other whispering; most likely, they were talking about how we should be investigated for drug use. We also drew students' attention, many of them stared at us as we walked down the hall, half hunched over and half collapsing to the ground. It was hysterical.

           When I laughed too much, I started to cry. Tears would run down my face and I wouldn't be able to breathe, like I was wheezing; it kind of looked like I was smiling while having an anxiety attack. And that's what I looked like walking down the school hall with the idiot who had made me start hyperventilating in the first place.

           "You," Andrew began to speak through laughter which seemed to be very difficult for him as he was stumbling around and bumping into people as he watched me, "you look l-like," I glanced up at him and he burst into laughter as he saw how high the corners of my mouth were and the tears pouring down my face, "like one of the dra-" he couldn't even finish the sentence without snorting and losing his mind again, "the drama masks. Where they're smiling but crying at the same time, those things are creepy." he imitated the look of the face which caused me to wheeze even harder.

           I staggered and bumped into him, causing Andrew to be shoved into a couple standing at the lockers. I laughed even harder at his facial expression when he was apologizing. "Oh!" I shouted in happy pain, "my diaphragm!" I continued to laugh and I could feel my lungs collapsing and my ribs breaking every time I inhaled.

           Andrew stopped laughing in total and gave me a quizzical look. I had, too, stopped laughing. "What's a diaphragm?" he asked seriously, his eyebrows were deeply furrowed and his smile had been completely flipped.

           I burst into laughter again and he followed. I kept bumping into people and they extended their dirty looks when I didn't take the time to breathe out an apology. "The thingy," I motioned to my chest not being able to spill out anymore words due to my lack of oxygen intake.

           His amusement grew stronger and he shook his head, "I was kidding, Love!" he shouted at me as if I was stupid.

           The bell rang and he walked me to class. When I emerged into the view of my fellow study hall classmates, they all looked at me as if they had seen a ghost. Then, I met Sarah's eyes and they seemed confused. "Erm... Do I need to ask?" she whispered even though the teacher wasn't in the room.

           I shrugged, "Ask about what?" Honestly, ever since my parents' death, I had felt uncomfortable talking to Sarah.

           "Why you look like a tomato an- are you crying?" her eyes squinted so she could see if the tears running down my face were from pain or laughing.

           I smiled and happily took my seat beside her, "We started with a walrus." I mumbled.

           Sarah returned my smile, "I like Andrew, he seems to make you happy." she paused and glanced at the door to see if our instructor had arrived, "Everyone has been saying how you two would make a cute couple if he wasn't gay." her smile was too bright and something was off about her tone.

           I furrowed my eyebrows, "Are you okay?" I murmured.

           She met my eyes and her smile slowly faded. "Erm, y-yeah, It's nothing," her eyes roamed the room and I did the same. Then, I realized that Derek, her boyfriend, was on the other side of the room. He was laughing with his friends and he didn't even spare a glance at her. When I turned back to Sarah, her eyes watered as she stared at him. "Three years went down the drain." she mumbled and a few tears streamed her face. She quickly wiped them away and darted out of the classroom with her book bag and I followed.

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