Chapter 19 - Happy Endings aren't fairytales

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~ He recognized the beautiful girl who had danced with him. He cried out, "She is my true bride." ~

Cindy ate lunch that Saturday at Fanny's house. Fanny was insistent on having her over so she could help on her outfit and makeup before the festival.

Fanny also wanted to be the first to hear the song, seeing as Cindy didn't let her hear it all week, she was dying to give it a listen and give some feedback. Fanny also loved it when Cindy played guitar because she was tragically musically challenged.

"Now," Cindy asked Fanny, "are you sure you won't make fun of me for the song?"

Fanny put her hand to her heart on mock shock, "I would never."

She smiled at Fanny's attempt to lighten her attitude. Ever since Cindy arrived, she'd been a little jittery.

Cindy nodded and put her paper plate in the trash, Fanny following suit. She went to sit on the couch, taking her guitar out of its case and tuning it before Fanny sat down to listen.

Cindy didn't need sheet music, seeing as she had already memorized the entire song the night she wrote it. A song like that – one sprouted from true emotion – it was hard to forget very easily.

"Once upon a time, we were picture perfect . . ." Cindy sang, strumming on her guitar.

It didn't take long for Cindy to lose herself in the song. She soon found herself going through the chords and lyrics without even thinking about it. By the time she was done, Fanny was grinning hugely and basically bouncing from excitement.

"That was perfect, it would sound perfect with . . ." Fanny trailed off, looking a bit guilty, "umm . . . more instruments. Yeah, definitely what I was thinking."

Cindy ignored her weird comment and put the guitar down. "So, was it good?"

Fanny grinned again, "It was amazing! And um . . . please excuse me for a moment, I need to make a call." She quickly rushed from the room before Cindy could ask who she needed to call or why.

Cindy shrugged to herself. Fanny was probably just making an excuse to go to the bathroom. She didn't like to tell people when she went to the toilet, she was weird like that.

She decided to get more practice in while Fanny was away. The festival was this afternoon, she didn't want to mess any of her song up.

Cindy also hated that she was the last performer of the night until Peyton. That meant that she had a chance of bumping into him before and after her show. Not good.

Fanny came back by the time she was done practicing, leaving just enough time for her to pack up her guitar before Fanny dragged her into her room to try on one of her dresses that she was absolutely certain would fit and look great on Cindy.

Cindy wasn't as certain. Fanny might be optimistic, but she was at least two dress sizes smaller than Cindy.

The dress was white with colorful flowers sprinkled throughout in an intricate design. Fanny had even let Cindy wear her favorite beige wedges for the occasion.

The dress fit, surprisingly, and Fanny immediately went to makeup. Cindy felt like Fanny was overdoing it a bit, but maybe it would help to have a bit more confidence around the guy who broke her heart.

"Done!" Fanny exclaimed. "You look so perfect that Peyton will be drooling!"

Cindy laughed halfheartedly, "Yeah, it would serve the lying jerk right." Fanny smiled uncertainly, which was strange since she had been the one who encouraged Cindy to call him names in the first place.

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