The Half Demon's Bed

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My brown eyes crack open, and Chester's ceiling hovers over me. I expected to wake up laying on a patch of grass, my head resting on a rock, and to open my eyes to realize the last twenty four hours was just a dream. But on the contrary I'm in one of Chester's tshirts, which is two sizes to big for me. I'm in Chester's king sized bed, bundled up to my chin. I turn my head, and I come nose to nose with a sleeping Chester.

My stomach does nervous flips, and I realize that my legs are tangled with his long ones, and his arms are lazily looped around me. My heart starts to hammer in the lack of space between us, we're so close that I can count each individual long eye lash. I never noticed how pink his lips are, or the little sandy freckles sprinkled across the bridge of his nose. I knew he was handsome but I never payed this much attention. Suddenly, those pink lips lazily rise into a smirk.

"You're thinking about me." Chester murmurs quietly in a sleepy voice, that's so undeniably attractive it makes my toes curl. My face goes completely red, and I feel my blood practically bubbles with embarrassment.

"Y-you read all that?" I ask, debating whether or not I should pull the sheets over my head, and hide like a child.

"I did." He mumbles, slowly opening his sleepy green eyes. Those pools of green see right through me, and makes my stomach tingle.

"S-so you can read minds even when you're asleep?"

"No, I have to be awake." Chester admits. "I just pretended to be asleep because I like being like this." Chester's words nearly make my head spin, but I can do is stupidly redden like a tomato.

"Um..." I say blankly. "I-I gotta go to the bathroom." I lie, trying to sit up.

"You're lying." The mind reader instantly states, making me freeze.

"Don't be embarrassed," Chester says, the bed creaking as he rises. "Come back to bed." He says quietly, his arms coming around my waist, and pulling back down into his chest. My heart hammers, and I try my best to clear my mind of Chester, and any criminating thoughts of him. Like... How his body feels against mine, or how I can feel his breath cloud over the nape of my neck.

"You can hear all of that, can't you?" I ask. Chester chuckles and nods, his chin brushing against my hair.

"Clear as day." He says, and I can hear the smug grin in his voice.

"Ok, I'm going to go take a shower." I say, untangling myself from him, and climbing out of the bed.

"I'm sorry," Chester calls me back. "If I could make it stop I would. I try hard to keep out of your head, but I can't turn it off, I can't make myself deaf." Chester says sadly. I didn't mean to shame him. I spin on my heel, and pitter patter back to the bed. I pull away the blankets, climb back in the bed, then bury my face in his chest.

"Don't be ashamed," I mumble into his chest. "It's not your fault you can hear my thoughts, and you have a talent, don't be ashamed about it." I say, wrapping my arms around him. Chester's arms wound around my lower back, and pulls me against him.

"You really think it's a talent?" Chester asks, his green eyes shinning.


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