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"You're obviously the maid, and not the cook." I shoot Mason a warning look as I toast frozen waffles. Mason leans against the counter giving me a smirk, does he know any other expression?

"Of course I do, but I just look the best while smirking." My eyes fall shut at the realization that Mason can read my mind just as much as his brother.

"Yes, yes I can, it's just one of the many talents I have." Mason says.

"So, you have demon powers too?" I ask, not bothering to suppress my questions, he'll just hear me thinking them anyway.

"Yup, teleportation, telepathy, extreme good looks, stamina that will last hours." Mason winks at me, making Chester rush in.

"I heard that." Chester says in a tight, irritated tone. "Did he mention his powers of cockiness, and borderline sexual harassment?" Chester says to me.

"Thank you." Mason says, looking touched, only furthering Chester's annoyance.

"So, you guys have the same father?" I ask, flinching at the toaster's sudden pop.

"Yeah." They both answer at the same time, both of their faces slacking at the mention of their father.

Should I ask the next question?

"Yes." They both answer, reading my mind.

"Um..." I start, worriedly running my hands through my dirty blonde hair. "Does he look like you- really do you look like him?" I ask, but I really I want to ask what he looks like.

"He has giant deer horns, red skin, and he's nine feet tall." Mason answers, holy shit! My mouth drops in horror, a horrifying imagine of a red giant with a mouth full of sharp fangs fills my mind.

"Don't scare her." Chester hisses at Mason. "That's because he's a full demon, but he appears to others in his human form." Chester quickly interjects, his fingers gently burying into my chin, and closing my mouth.

"But in a manner of speaking, yeah we look like him." Chester adds.

"Tall, green eyes that make panties drop, heads of brown locks, and devilishly handsome." Mason says, wagging his brows at me.

"Geez, Mason." Chester and I both groan, making Mason's smirk grow back. Rolling my eyes I pluck my waffles out of the toaster, biting a huge chunk out of it. My waffle flys out of my hand, literally.

"Mason!" I groan, as he takes a huge bite out of my waffle.

"Why did you call him?" I ask Chester as I pile on fresh linens, and toilet paper rolls onto my cart. "It doesn't look like it was for brotherly bounding." I add.

This is the first time all day Chester and I have been alone, my body is tingling all over because it feels so rare now. I'm suddenly valuing my alone time with my boss. And who knows where Mason is, and what's he's doing.

"I called him to help with the motel." Chester explains, running his big hand through brown hair for the tenth time in ten minutes. My hands freeze from stacking towels.

"I thought I was helping you." I say.

"No, in a supernatural way." Chester quickly fixes. "You're the most helpful person ever." Chester says, grasping my hand, but quickly letting go.

"Supernatural way?" I ask, busying myself with the number of soaps to not think about how I want him to hold my hand longer.

"Since the moment I bought this place I've never had more than two deaths a month, let alone two suicides and a murder in a week." Chester tensely explains, his green eyes darkening with dozens of terrible thoughts. My chest tightness just looking at him, so I reach out and clutch his hand. I breathe a little easier when he squeezes back.

"Mason is here to help keep the spirits in check, figure out why the motel is drawing so many damned souls at once." He explains. "Plus, when we start remodeling I could use help with the power tools, and heavy lifting." Chester adds.

"I can help with that." I pipe up, pushing the cart down the first floor, Chester following behind me.

"I would like that." I grin down at the cart, happy that he didn't give me some bs sexist remark. If he told me to stick to painting I would have run his feet over with the cart. Chester laughs at my thoughts, his first sign of happiness all day.

"And... I asked him here because you were scared last night. I said I would protect you, and I will. Two half demons make a demon." Chester says.

"You called him for me?" I ask, the cart and I coming to a stop. Chester presses his pink lips into a line, and I honestly can't help the urge of wanting to feel them. Chester's green eyes widen, and my own eyes widen in pure fear.

"You didn't hear that!" I bellow, and rush off to the first room. My fingers nervously fumble with my master keys, as Chester laughs behind me.

"Blake." Chester says, his voice suddenly at the back of my neck. I nearly jump out of skin, I can't kiss my boss, I can't like my boss. I can't be with my boss. I let out a shaky breath as Chester's fingers enclose around my wrist. Just as I shove open the door I tumble into the room, and let out a choked gasp.

A man's body lays in the bed with an ugly red slash across his jugular. Lifeless eyes stare at me, making my blood chill. Shit. Okay, its just a ghost. It won't hurt me... Right?

"Blake." Chester quietly calls me back to him in the doorway. "Behind you." My stomach drops to the floor, shit, nothing good is ever behind you. I slowly inch around, seeing another ghost limping out of the bathroom. This ghost is a blonde girl, one side of her blonde hair covered in blood, covering the gaping hole in her temple.

The ghost on the bed suddenly starts shrieking behind me, making me whip around to see him clawing at the bloody flesh at his neck. I barely have time to gag as I get tackled from behind. My chin bangs against the carpeted floor, and the odor of rotting flesh fills my nose.

"Blake!" I barely hear Chester over my Yelp of pain as I feel finger nails sink into my skin.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I shout, tears stinging the back of my eyes as she yanks at my hair like it isn't attached to my head. The dead weight above me is gone, and I roll onto my back just in time to see Chester staring down the blonde ghost with black eyes as black and empty as tar.

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